  • 學位論文


The Development of Micro Rapid Prototyping System based on Spray Coating Technology

指導教授 : 汪家昌


快速原型(Rapid Prototyping ,RP)技術是一種將層與層互相疊合的層加工技術。目前商業化之液態快速原型系統中,大部分使用刮板鋪層進行層厚控制的部份,鋪層系統鋪過工件表面時,微小結構容易受到刮板所產生的剪切力破壞,為了克服剪切力這個缺點,使能製作出具有外懸機構原型時,必須建立支撐結構。 本研究中是利用霧化鋪層技術取代使用刮板鋪層的動作,而此方法就不會有剪切力影響快速原型系統在刮板鋪層時的問題。本研究整合了霧化鋪層技術及動態光罩技術,開發一台創新的微快速原型系統。其霧化鋪層技術的監控系統可以觀測到0.5μm層厚的解析度:動態光罩技術可以產生具有微特徵尺寸的光罩圖形,並照射在光硬化樹脂中進行硬化成型。本微快原型系統開發完成後,將可以滿足市場在未來應付各種微小製品的需求,以提高產品的附加價值。 本研究利用霧化鋪層至4μm之層厚厚度,製作出具有微小特徵及懸空結構的微小原型,這在製作微小特徵原型上,是一個很重要的突破。由於本系統可以使用霧化鋪層技術製作不需要支撐結構的懸臂原型,也代表著不需要使用刮板技術及不需要利用Z軸的Deep Dip技術,即可達到疊層加工。實驗上以製作一個加工層數超過500層的長跨距橋樑,及一個具有非常好的輪廓外型且直徑只有0.5mm大小的3D微小渦輪來,以代表本實驗可以完成製作出微小原型。


The Rapid Prototyping(RP) technology is a material additive process to build parts layer by layer automatically. The conventional liquid based RP system used a special designed recoat to scrape resin from one side of the tank to the other to ensure the surface flatness. The scraping procedure will take off extra resin but with a drawback of shear force to the working part. In order to overcome the drawback of the shear force, a supporting structure is necessary to build under the working part. In this research, scrapples spray coating technology has been applied to replace the role of recoator. By the knowledge of no scraping, there is no shear force during layer additive process. Therefore, only a limited supporting structure is required to hold the working part. This paper introduces an innovative Micro-RP system. This system integrates spray coating technology to add a very thin layer of resin to the resin tank, and applies dynamic mask device to exposure fine definition of the cross section shapes on the resin surface. The spray coating device proposed in this system can achieve up to 0.5 um display resolution which gives a very fine layer thickness control. The dynamic mask lithography technology based Micro RP system to cure layers with both equitable size and fine features. At the end, the lab-build Micro-RP system could meet the market demand for the very small components. The results demonstrate the ability to add a new layer of resin as thin as 5μm. It also shows the potential to form fine features with a restricted supporting structure. This aspect is particularly important when Micro-RP system is used to fabricate small series of micromechanical parts. When using the spray coating technology to produce overhand prototypes, there is no need to hold the part to against resin moving force from the recoating or the Deep Dip process. The results demonstrate a 4mm wide overhang structure bridge build up by more than 500 layers. The results also demonstrate a set of 3D turbines in 0.5mm diameter each gives very fine structures.


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