  • 學位論文


Taiwan enters the WTO-A study of changing professional structures of design consultancies by innovative product-development.

指導教授 : 梁又照


台灣加入世界經貿組織後,國內產業面對全球化競爭,導致經濟環境改變,無法仰賴傳統的代工優勢,以創新設計提高價值已是國內產業轉型的唯一途徑;台灣的工業設計服務公司在此大環境下,如何透過專業結構的調整,協助中小企業成功轉型,提高專業能力以提升設計服務品質,克服全球化競爭的衝擊,是本研究主要探討的重點,研究結論可提供工業設計服務公司提升專業競爭力時專業結構配置之參考。 本研究以理論建構針對相關文獻進行資料蒐集歸納,所得結論作為後續研究調查之參考與比對,其次以問卷調查的方式進行企業與工業設計服務公司相關現況與需求的調查,所得結果經由量化後進行交叉比對,以探討企業與工業設計服務公司兩者間供需之差異化,並深入探討其潛在因素;最後經由專將訪談進行研究驗證,以提高本研究之信度及參考價值,並於修正後提出研究結論與建議。 本研究主要針對下列問題點提出研究結論: (1).台灣產業現況及產業對工業設計服務公司服務的需求,(2).工業設計服務公司專業結構對設計服務品質的影響,(3).工業設計服務公司在新產品開發案中的定位,(4).因應企業實質所須設計服務及所遭遇到的問題,工業設計服務公司專業結構調整之建議。


In the light of becoming a member of the WTO (World Trade Organization), the industry in Taiwan is facing a global challenge inducing inevitable fundamental changes in its economical environment. Unable to solemnly rely on traditional structures founded on OEM-business, Taiwanese enterprises will have to turn to innovation in order to creating a competitive edge. The role of Taiwanese design consultancies in the process of successfully redefining professional structures, particularly regarding small and middle-sized enterprises as well as their own increase in professionalism and service-quality in order to challenge future global markets are key aspects in this research. The first stage of the study is based on research, collection and evaluation of relevant reference-data leading to initial assumptions which consecutively will be subject to further examination. Subsequently, the present correlation between design consultancies and (industrial) enterprises will be investigated by means of a survey. Their supply and demand quantified by the resulting outcome will be analyzed in depth in order to produce key -factors and potential strategies. The concluding stage will verify and ascertain the thesis generated by this study. Specific interviews with professionals of both fields will scrutinize and verify its credibility, feasibility and value, potentially adjusting the proposals. These are the main aspects which will be investigated: 1. What is the present demand of Taiwan's industry regarding industrial design services? 2. How do professional structures of industrial design consultancies effect the quality of design service? 3. What is the position of design consultancies within the process of product-development? 4. How can the structures and processes of industrial design consultancies be adjusted according to the needs and nature of the clients' enterprise?


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