  • 學位論文


Investigation and Assessment of Campus Ecological Ponds and Their Habitat Environment

指導教授 : 陳偉堯


都市生態環境由於都市建築結構越趨複雜,以及人文生活造成原有的棲地零碎化,導致都市生活的周遭環境之生態系統無法保持完整、自然生態日益縮減,造成原有自然物種之減少與其遷徙路徑之改變。近年來有若干看法指出校園生態池可以彌補這些負面的都市效應,但從未有實際證據證明此種看法的正確性。本研究即希望以都市中的校園為主軸,透過監測方式觀察都市中校園生態系統對其周遭環境之自然物種及其遷徙路徑之影響,進而分析小型棲地的自然價值。 本研究將以台北科技大學校園規劃計畫中的濕地生態池作為研究對象。首先蒐集並調查訪問其他學校校園生態池監測方面進行情形之資料,可提供台北科技大學校園生態池監測進行時之借鏡。其次,藉由24小時攝影監測方式觀測校園濕地及周邊生物的活動情形;並於濕地生態池現場及校園他處設置對照組,利用燈光投射至屏幕方式觀察濕地現場的昆蟲數量之多寡。最後,利用數學模式計算,分析鳥類看見棲地並且停留棲地的機率大小,以探討小型棲地的自然價值。期望可以瞭解校園濕地對周遭自然生物之影響、小型濕地對都市生態的價值、以及校園濕地是否可提供自然物種做為棲息地之用。


The growing complexity of the city infrastructures creates complex ecosystems that are unique to the urban environment. In addition, human activities also create serious issues such as habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and loss of biodiversity. It was pointed out that the creation of ecological ponds in cities could mitigate these adverse effects but the argument was never proved with scientific evidences. Therefore, it is the purpose of this research to use video camera motoring technique to analyze the effect of ecological ponds and assess their values on the urban ecosystems. This research used the ecological pond located on the campus of the National Taipei University of Technology as the subject of study. First, information from other schools was collected as reference data. Then, video cameras were installed to monitor the activities of the pond on a 24-hour basis. Finally, a mathematical model was proposed to analyze the probability of birds discovering the newly added pond in an urban environment. The results proved that the ecological pond, although small in size, could be used by various bird species as a food source, and the size effect of the pond could be determined from the mathematical model for planning purposes.


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