  • 學位論文


Influence Study of the Underground Obstruction to the Shield Tunneling Construction

指導教授 : 陳水龍


都會區捷運系統在市區人口密集、交通擁擠之道路下施工,採用無噪音、無污染、無震動的潛盾工法,對繁忙市區交通衝擊與都市景觀破壞而言,所造成的影響都是較輕微的,此乃潛盾施工的優點。但潛盾機推進中,在臺灣大地條件複雜多變之地質狀況下,極可能遭遇地下障礙物而停機,同時也有可能伴隨著發生地盤下陷、鄰房龜裂、管線受損等現象。如果處理不當,將引致嚴重之意外事故,衍生諸如損鄰、仲裁等等爭議,致使業主、承包商、受災住戶及市民大眾皆遭受重大損失。 一般潛盾施工,遭遇地下障礙物之情形,可概分為「無法預知」者,與「可預知」者。此兩種情形,在地下障礙物排除時,其處理過程均需設計顧問、施工廠商及業主共同參與,貢獻經驗與智慧,匯聚探研可行方案,方得克服。本研究特就上述兩種截然不同遭遇地下障礙物之情形,各舉案例探討分析,希能有助工程界爾後類此狀況,供作處理時之參考。


It is the merit of the shield tunneling, non- noise, non-pollution and non- vibration, which creates slighter impact and influence to the destroy of the traffic and landscape in the crowded metropolis areas. But the bored tunneling in Taiwan, soil condition is challenged by the complex and changeable geology situations. It is extremely possible that TBM will be blocked by the underground obstructions which also cause the settlement of the ground surface, cracks of the neighboring room and the injury of the utilities simultaneously. If processes are improper, it will bring about the serious accident and cause the dispute of buildings, damages and arbitrations. Finally, it is not only the owner and the contractor but also the inhabitants and the city residences suffer the heavy loss. In general, it is roughly divided by the 「unforeseen」 and「foreseen」 underground obstructions during tunneling. For this two kind of situations, we need the participation of the detail design consultant, construction merchant and client contribution of the experience and wisdom, and search the feasible plans and treating processes to overcome the underground obstructions. This paper especially describes and analysis the above two kind of entirely different underground obstructions cases that may be helpful to the engineering for the reference in the future.


[1] 中興工程科技研究發展基金會譯,都市新奧工法與潛盾工法之
[2] 中央產物保險公司保險求償信件資料。
[3] 中華民國商業仲裁協會商務仲裁事件書狀資料。


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