  • 學位論文


Prevention of Leaking in Bathroom through Interior Engineering and Design

指導教授 : 楊明津


滲漏水一直以來困擾著人們,而這也是室內裝修團隊備受抱怨的主因之ㄧ。浴室可以說是室內使用水最頻繁的地方,然而設計不良的防水工法、不正確的施工步驟、無完善施工檢核表、施作不確實等,都將影響浴室防水效果,造成居家品質低落;因此浴室的防水設計與施工品質更顯重要。 本研究以文獻探討發現「浴室防水設計施工品質」,是消費者較煩惱的問題,而可能原因經訪談調查發現,其中落水頭及門檻防水設計錯誤所造成的滲漏水,是主要因素之一。對現有及預設的落水頭、門檻工法的防水設計,提出變異項工法假設;研究方法特別以模型實驗觀察,記錄不同工法對防水損耗比的影響,加以整理後提出最佳的浴室防水工法設計。 經實驗結果發現,浴室門檻防水設計以「水泥砂漿檔水式」最佳,落水頭則以「排水管高齊RC樓板式」的防水設計最好。研究結果由實驗整理,得到各式「浴室落水頭施工大樣圖、落水頭標準施工流程、落水頭標準施工檢核表」、「浴室門檻施工大樣圖、浴室門檻標準施工流程、施工檢核表」。供室內設計界參考引用,並期望得以消除此一滲漏水困擾,進而提高生活品質。


The problem of percolating water has always troubled residents, and became one of the their complains to constructional contractors. The bathroom has the highest utility rate of water. Poor design of waterproofing, procedure, insufficiency of checklists, and short of the specifications on drainage works are all affecting the bathroom waterproofing. Therefore, the correct design and construction becomes extremely important. This survey is trying to identify “the quality of construction and waterproof design in bathrooms” as a troublesome problem to most customers. The survey, found that the poor waterproof design of weephold and doorsill became one of the major factors causing the percolating water problem. This survey uses scientific and technical models to record hypothetical waterproof design of weephold and doorsill, It alse indicats the effect of various drainage works compares their performances, and tries to bring out the optimal waterproof design of drainage works in bathroom. In conclusion, the best method of bathroom waterproof design of doorsill is “cement mortar drainage method,” and the best weephold design is “pipeline uniformed with RC floorslab method.” The survey also provided various refined and innovated “sample blueprint of bathroom weephold, standard procedure of weephold works, and standard checklist of weephold works,” and “sample blueprint of bathroom doorsill, standard procedure of bathroom doorsill works, and standard checklist of bathroom doorsill works” for the interior designers and hopefully to help them to solve such percolating water problem and inhanced the living quality.


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