  • 學位論文


A production-distribution model for green supply chain planning

指導教授 : 車振華


供應鏈夥伴的選擇為供應鏈生產配送規劃中重要的一環。且現今環境維護日亦受到重視,因此供應鏈中各個成員於選擇零組件/產品供應商時,皆會優先考量可提供“綠色零組件/產品”的供應商作為合作夥伴。本研究將針對綠色供應鏈生產配送問題的探討,並建構一適切之最佳化數學規劃模式以進行問題求解。此模式將歐盟指令WEEE和RoHS納入,以便能於供應鏈架構規劃時篩選出較具環保設計概念產品之夥伴。此外,本研究亦提出以粒子群演算法為基之求解模式進行規劃求解,所得之結果將與線性規劃之求解結果進行比較,以驗證本研究所提出之求解模式的適用性。最後本研究將以Visual Basic 6.0程式語言進行決策資訊系統開發,以便決策人員透過此系統可快速進行綠色供應鏈規劃。


The selection of supply chain partners is an important part in supply chain production-distribution planning. Nowadays environment preservation has gained more and more attention, so each member of supply chain should first consider the suppliers who would supply “green components/products” when they choose components/products suppliers. This study will discuss the production-distribution problem of green supply chain system and intent to construct a suitable optimum mathematical programming model to solve this problem. This model would contain European Union Directive of WEEE and RoHS, so that it could select the partners whose products are designed under environment-protection concept when plan the supply chain structure. This research also proposes a solution model based on particle swarm algorithm (PSO), and compares the result with the solutions gained by linear programming to prove the applicability of the solution model proposed in this research. Finally this research uses the Visual Basic 6.0 to develop the decision information system, so that the decision makers could use this system to make the green supply chain plan in no time.


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