  • 學位論文


A Study on the Management and Control Strategies of Mercury

指導教授 : 張添晉


含汞物質對於人類及自然生態有高度的毒性,其來源除了來自大自然,人為排放源主要為燃燒含汞的燃料或工業製程的副產品,及使用含汞物品及工業製程。汞具有持久性、累積性的特性,且會進行全球循環,在環境中形成毒性強的甲基汞,會經由食物鏈而累積於人體造成毒害。 甲基汞曝露的途徑大部分是經由飲食,故魚及海產攝取量高者為風險較高的族群;另因會影響腦部發展,因此對於懷孕的婦女及小孩需要特別關注。因汞已成為全球性的問題,故已引起聯合國及歐美先進國家的重視,紛投入盤查及評估,並提出改善策略以逹成減量目標。 本研究先回顧相關文獻,了解汞的基本特性,收集國外關於汞管理政策調查評估資料,再彙整國內調查及研究結果及收集現行法規及制度,以掌握汞對國內環境及民眾健康的影響,及目前可用之政策工具。為利於規劃,先研擬我國汞物質管理政策執行架構,再將國內外推動情形進行比較後,探討國內問題現況,並規劃執行措施。 規劃結果已依我國現況擬訂目標為減少汞曝露風險,汞管理策略為減少汞排放、減少汞使用、保護免於曝露及國際合作等四大部分,各策略下分別規劃因應措施,及其期程及分工。此外,應儘速進行汞物質流盤查及建立資料庫,成立跨部會工作小組定期協調,及三年提一次評估報告以檢視實施成效。


Mercury is toxic to humans and wildlife; it enters the environment as a result of natural sources and human activities. Once released, mercury persists in the environment and cycles globally. The mercury form can change to methylmercury, which has the capacity to collect in organisms and to concentrate up in the aquatic food chain.Most people are primarily exposed to methylmercury through the diet and to elemental mercury vapours due to dental amalgams and occupational activities. The fetuses, the newborn and young children because of the sensitivity of the developing nervous system, are especially susceptible to mercury exposure. The UNEP, Eureapon Union, and U.S. have taken action to address global mercury problem. Focusing on the management and control strategy of mercury, this study aims to establish the frame of the policy, and also to compare the difference between Taiwan and other countries from stragetary and control mechanicism perspectives. In this study, I build 4 major strategies, with the goal of reducing health risks associated with mercury exposure. The 4 major strategies are: reducing mercury emissions, reducing mercury uses, protecting against mercury exposure, supporting and promoting international action.We also suggest several major tasks including establishing mercury flow inventory, evaluating the effectivness of the policy every three years, and assembling a government agencies working group.


[2]N. Pirrone and M. Wichmann-Fiebig, "Some recommendations on mercury measurements and research activities in the European Union," Atmospheric Environment, 37 Supplement No.1, 2003, S3–S8.
[4]UNEP Chemicals, Global Mercury Assessment, UNEP, 2002.


