  • 學位論文


Fundamental Investigation and Improvement Research for Dihua Streets Hazard Precaution Plans

指導教授 : 林裕昌


歷史街區之價值與文化意義在於它建築的獨特性與建築群之連串,這些文價值的資產代表著街區真實性與整體性,在防火避難設施及防災計畫上必須有其獨特性。本研究目的如下所示: 一、了解迪化街之防災避難特性與手法 二、歸納迪化街街區日常防火安全管理機制。 三、建構迪化街街區防災計畫環境潛在災害機制。 本研究以迪化街ㄧ段民權西路至南京西路間之兩側街屋。為研究對象,本研究成果如下: 一、 迪化街之防災避難特性與手法: (一) 北街: 因北街空屋、荒廢與施工中建築居多: 1. 平時巡守時應多加留意。 2. 應於空屋及荒廢建築實施斷電系統,以避免電線走火。 3. 加裝監視器,以避免夜間及無人時遭人為縱火。 (二) 中北街: 因於高火載量及構造體為木材質居多: 1. 於危險處加裝2號室外消防栓箱與偵煙設備,強化初期滅火。 2. 定期檢測地下消防栓之水壓,避免水壓呈現偏低狀況。 3. 除加裝消防設備與加強巡守。 (三) 中街: 除了加強巡守、定期檢測地下消防栓之水壓與加裝相關消防設施設備外,因中街於迪化街歷史街區內,不論是救災層面及實質環境層面,皆為距離消防隊最遠處與火害因子最危險處,故需多加留意該街區之防火狀況。 (四) 南街: 於火載量較高處及構造體為木材質居多處,不明確建築居多,故: 1. 加裝2號室外消防栓箱與偵煙設備,強化初期滅火。 2. 於夜間時加強巡守。 二、 迪化街街區日常防火安全管理機制: 經訪談後發現迪化街歷史街區目前防火安全機制是以自主消防團隊與提高滅火設備的認知做為街區內組織主之對策,於外部環境則是以統一設置廣域消防通報系統與消防設備為對策,但這些日常防火安全管理機制對迪化街歷史街區而言仍有問題。 三、建構迪化街街區防災計畫環境潛在災害機制: (一) 針對現地調查所得之「迪化街街區火害危險分布圖」之處增設地下消防栓與室內消防栓,視狀況將消防栓形狀、顏色與材質設計和文物意象相符。 (二)利用現地調查所得之街區潛在災害,加強迪化街街區內設施設備之管理,以爭取第一時間之通報與避難。


街屋 歷史街區 大稻埕 迪化街 防災避難


The value and culture meaning of historical area are in the individual structure. It shows the realization and wholeness. It’s important in disaster prevention planning and fire prevention. The contents of the thesis is below. First, introduce the special method to prevent the disaster in Di-Hwa Street. Second, induce the management mechanism of daily fire protection safety. Third, construct the mechanism of preventing the potential disaster. The instant is the shop house in the street at Mincyuan West Road 1.st to Nanjing West Road. And the result is below: First, introduce the special method to prevent the disaster in Di-Hwa Street. 1. Street in the north There are a few people: (1) Pay more attention to patrol. (2) Using interruptible power supply to avoid the firing cause by electricity. (3) Using monitor to avoid somebody making fire. 2. street in the middle and north There are many house made by the material that easily got fired. (1) Adding more fire hydrants and the smoking sensors. (2) Check the pressure of water, regularly, to prevent the situation that the pressure of water is too low. (3) Add more equipment for detecting fire and patrol. 3. street in the middle Enhance the patrolling, check the pressure of water and add more fire-fighting equipments. The street in the middle Di-Hwa is the farthest place between the fire-fighter. It should pay more attention to it. 4. street in the south There are many house made by wood. (1) Adding more fire hydrants and the smoking sensors. (2) Patrol at night Second, induce the management mechanism of daily fire protection safety. After visiting the place, increasing the fire-fighting equipments and fire-fighter are the main way to do it. But it sill has some problem. Third, construct the mechanism of preventing the potential disaster. 1. According to the index of risking graph, increasing the fire-fighting equipments. And change the surface of fire-fighting equipments to make it fit the history things. 2. According to visiting the place, enhance the management of fire-fighting equipments.


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[28] 內政部營建署/營建法令,消防車與街道巷弄寬度http://www.cpami.gov.tw/web/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=997&Itemid=95


