  • 學位論文

工業化建築組件解體之 資源循環效率研究-以系統廚具為例

The Research on the disintegration of industrialized building components in the efficiency of resource recycling system, take kitchen facilities as the studying case.

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


近年在環境保護成為顯著的社會課題及政府推動節能減碳的政策下,有關製造行為如何減低對環境的破壞成為必須面對的課題。另一方面因生活品質提升的情況下,在建築室內裝修中使用複合式材料,亦可能產生廢棄物無法減量之疑慮。故本研究乃利用解體方式,瞭解工業化建築組件之固體廢棄物的分類與比例進行探討,由靜脈物流階段進行建構資源循環效率體系並減少環境負荷。 本研究主要先瞭解「靜脈物流」、「環境負荷評估系統」、「資源循環效率」等文獻歸納整理,建立本研究之環境性能評估,並以「系統廚具」為研究對象,比較分析材料之環境負荷差異。其主要目的建立系統廚具環境性能評估,將研究評估方式提供系統廚具業者得以在靜脈物流階段可瞭解端末處置,對所造成的環境負荷加以量化評估。 經本研究成果與研究貢獻在於提供系統廚具業者資源循環效率的耗能數據,以便於日後減碳政策制定;並提供系統廚具生產責任與實體性責任方式,拓展產品新競爭力之利基。


In recent years, under the issue of environmental protection, which is a significant social topic and the government’s policies to promote energy efficiency and to reduce carbon emissions, it is an issue to be faced that how to reduce damage to the environment during the manufacturing activities. On the other hand, with the upgrading of the quality of life, the increasing waste of composite materials used in the interior decoration of the building may cause the environmental problems. Therefore, this study is to build the efficiency of resource recycling system and how to reduce the environmental load by discussing the theory of Vein Logistics. First, the study reviews the related theses and materials about the topic of environmental load, the efficiency of resource recycling, Vein Logistics and further builds the evaluating system of the environmental efficiency. The study takes the kitchen facilities as the subject to analyze the different environmental load caused by different the materials. The purpose of the study is to build the evaluating system of the environmental efficiency, and to provide the related merchants a method to account the environmental load in the phase of Vein Logistics in quantity way. The result of the study tries to provide a system for the kitchen industry about the data of efficiency of resource recycling energy and provides the base for making the policy of reducing carbon emissions. The study also tries to provide the kitchen industry a testing model for taking responsibility of their products and to expand competitiveness in their new products.


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