  • 學位論文


An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Performance of Major Petrochemical Manufacturers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱垂昱 蔡佩芳


資料包絡分析模式(DEA)一個相對效率衡量的方法,被廣泛應用於各行各業之「經營績效」分析,基於柏拉圖最適解之效率觀念,只要求得生產邊界即可將實際生產與生產邊界比較,而求得被衡量決策單位之相對效率,進一步分析相對有效率與相對無效率之原因與改善對策。 本研究採用資料包絡分析法(DEA)對台灣石化上游產業中主要製造商進行經營績效評估,比較主要製造商2002年至2007年期間的經營效率,評估的目的是探討績效優良之廠商之成功因素,並找出在效率前緣上決策單位的標竿指標,提供業者擬訂經營策略與方向之參考。 本研究實證分析後得到下列結論: 一、三家廠商在2002年至2007年的整體效率均具有相當水準,沒有特別差的單位。 二、中油的規模效率相較於其他廠商具有相對優勢,但在總資產、營業成本、員工人數及營業費用等投入過多,皆須採取有效的控制措施。 三、台塑石化的早期規模效率不佳,至2007年已明顯提昇,須追蹤後續年度效率是否持續維持。 四、台化具有固定規模報酬優勢,若能擴大營業規模,則效率更佳。


Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)is a contrast efficiency evaluation method. It is an application on performance evaluation analysis in many industry manufacturers. It is based on the efficiency conception of the Pareto optimal solution. It needs to get production frontier. Then, actual production should be compare with it. We can analyze the cause of the contrast with efficiency and inefficiency. And find a solution to improve it. This research applies the Data Envelopment Analysis to analyze the efficiency on the petrochemical upstream manufacturer in Taiwan from 2002-2007. After the reaserch analysis, the conclusion is as below: I. All three manufacturers had great efficiency in the period of 2002 to 2007. II. The scale efficiency of CPC is better than the others. But it is to deal with the waste of total asset, and take efficient tactics to control the excessive input of operating cost, operating expenses and the number of emloyees. III. The early scale efficiency of Formosa Petrochemical Corporartion was poor. There has been a significant improvement in 2007. It should keep monitoring the efficiency continuously. IV. Formosa Chemical &Fibre Corporartion has advantages of constant returns to scale. If it can expand the operating scale, the efficiency will be better.


[11]Ali, A. and L. M. Seiford “Translation Invariance in Data Envelopment Analysis,”Operations Research Letters, Vol.9, pp.403-405.


