  • 學位論文


Using Flow Theory to Survey Motivation and Participation Behavior of Dating Site Users

指導教授 : 張文華


隨著交友網站的迅速蓬勃發展,使得交友網站間的競爭愈來愈激烈,網站經營者除了增加網站之各項功能介面服務以吸引網友前來瀏覽,更重要的是滿足網站使用者的需求,進而才可促使其成為會員並持續參與網站活動。 近幾年來,沉浸理論被廣泛應用網路活動的研究中,並證實沉浸狀態於網路使用行為具有正向關係,意即網路使用者專心一致的從事活動中,並產生愉悅的知覺感受時,將造成人們持續從事此一活動。 本研究透過虛擬社群使用動機與沉浸理論相關文獻的探討,以台灣地區的愛情公寓的會員為研究對象,先歸納出使用者動機之構面,分別為社交互動、休閒娛樂、關係尋求與匿名逃避,再來探討使用動機是否會影響交友網站的沉浸狀態,進而影響到參與行為。另外也探討使用動機參與行為間的因果關係。 本研究以統計軟體SPSS12.0 與Amos5.0 作為資料分析的工具,研究結果顯示出社交互動、休閒娛樂、關係尋求與匿名逃避四個構面的使用動機於沉浸狀態均具顯著的正向影響力;沉浸狀態於參與行為亦具顯著的正向影響力,而社交互動、休閒娛樂、關係尋求與匿名逃避四個構面的使用動機於參與行為均無顯著的影響力,顯示出沉浸狀態為使用動機與參與行為之間一個重要的中介衡量指標。另分析結果顯示出休閒娛樂為最主要影響沉浸狀態之動機。因此,本研究建議網站經營者可提供強化會員互動性之管道,如虛擬電話,視訊之使用與實體活動的舉及加强娛樂性之介面設計,如增加小遊戲,以增加使用網站駐留時間及重複到訪。另外,可依據性別、年齡,建立市場區隔。


As the Dating Website is developing prosperously, it makes the competition become keener and keener between each website. The website owners not only add various function interfaces of the web service to attract viewers to browse, but additionally to content users’ needs. Further, it will urge the users turning into website members and join website activities continually. In recent years, Flow theory has been applied to the research for the internet activity widely. Also, Flow experience is proved that influences internet access behavior positively. That is, when internet users concentrate on the activities, they raise the conscious of pleasure that makes them keep being engaged in the activities. Through relative reference about virtual community access motivation and flow theory, this study takes i-part members in Taiwan as the study object. Fist, the aspect of access motivation will be induced, including social interaction, entertainment, relation seeking, and anonymous escape. Then, access motivation will be subjected if influencing the flow experience of dating website and even producing effect on participating behavior. Besides, the causal relationship between access motivation and behavior will be studied. The statistics software SPSS12.0 and Amos5.0 is applied as the data analysis tools. The result shows that the access motivation of social interaction, entertainment, relation seeking and anonymous escape has significant positive influence on flow experience. The same result shows to the flow experience and participating behavior. However, these four aspects have no significant effect on access motivation and participating behavior. It indicates that flow experience is an important intermediary measure index. Entertainment is a paramount motivation that effects on addicting state based on the analytic result. Therefore, the study suggests the website owners could provide or reinforce recreational interface design to increase the website users’linger time and repeated visit.


Dating Site Flow Theoey Motivation


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