  • 學位論文


Statistical Analysis of Tree Growth Directions at a Landslide Site near the Mt. Houshanyue Hiking Trail

指導教授 : 陳偉堯


台灣位處亞熱帶氣候及環太平洋地震帶,地理位置特殊,每到梅雨、颱風季節加上氣候變遷的因素更是豪雨不斷,土石流、邊坡滑動等天然災害容易發生,也因此造成生命財產的損失。本研究以猴山岳地區之345kV-039鐵塔崩塌處為研究區域,首先將研究區域利用雷射進行三維掃描,利用掃描所得到的結果,將研究區域內可辨識的樹幹挑出。利用樹木有向上生長的特性,將所挑出的樹幹進行生長軌跡及方向統計分析,了解樹幹生長的方向是否有特定性。此外,並蒐集民國91年至97年間航照圖、颱風及降雨資料進行統計分析。降雨資料統計顯示,猴山岳地區在近年來降雨型態變為密集且降雨驟增,因此造成了民國97年的大規模崩坍情形發生。 本研究將雷射掃描結果的樹幹挑出並做影像存檔,影像的存檔可供後續研究比對參考。挑出的樹幹利用點雲資料進行生長方向的統計分析,結果顯示,樹幹生長方向是非隨機而是有特定方向的,並根據角度統計發現,上邊坡樹幹在五個階段統計結果都是朝向北方方向生長,統計角度95%信心區間分別為-13°~25°、-40°~38°、-33°~26°、-48°~18°及-28°~37°,下邊坡樹幹在六階段統計結果多是朝西南的方向生長,統計角度95%信心區間分別為220°~245°、227°~265°、228°~268°、206°~243°、224.79°~270.55°及200°~256°,因此根據研究結果了解利用樹木的生長方向來做邊坡滑動情形的參考是可行的,可提供未來坡地防災的參考依據。


Taiwan is located in the Pacific Rim earthquake belt and the sub-tropical climate zone. Its special geographical environment is vulnerable to natural disasters, notably typhoons, plum rain, and climate change. This study uses a terrestrial laser scanner to collect the data of tree trunks and conducts the regression analysis of tree growth directions at the landslide site near the Mt. Houshanyue hiking trail. Moreover, the study collects the climate data and satellite imagery (from 2002 to 2008) for statistical analysis. The statistical data of rainfall reveals that in recent years, intense rainfall has become more and more common which results in the large-scale collapse in the Mt. Houshanyue hiking trail in 2008. This study collects the point cloud data of trees from laser scanning for archival purposes. The image files can be used for further studies. By analyzing the point cloud data of growth directions of the collected trees, it shows that the growth directions of trees are not random but with specific orientations. According to the statistical data from five statistical stages, the trees on the upper slope indicate a turn toward the north. The 95% confidence intervals are as follows: -13°-25°, -40°-38°, -33°-26°, -48°-18° and -28°-37°. According to the statistical data from six statistical stages, the trees on the lower slope mostly indicate a turn toward the southwest. The 95% confidence intervals are as follows: 220°-245°, 227°-265°, 228°-268°, 206°-243°, 224.79°-270.55° and 200°-256°. Therefore, the study result indicates that the growth directions of trees can be used to study landslide conditions while providing a database for disaster prevention studies.


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