  • 學位論文


The Influence of Information Richness on Consumer WOM Response with Social Presence Theory

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇


過去文獻多以口碑數量和正負價性兩大特性作為口碑的衡量指標,然而,現今Web 2.0環境的多元功能,使得網路口碑採更豐富面貌呈現之,故兩大特性的衡量顯然不足。本研究以Short et al.(1976)所提出的社會臨場感角度出發,並以口碑訊息特性(訊息生動性、訊息故事性與視覺提示)所創造的訊息豐富性來探討消費者接收網路口碑訊息後的口碑回應,同時納入知覺社會臨場感為中介變數,驗證不同口碑訊息特性所創造的訊息豐富性透過知覺社會臨場感對口碑回應的影響。並且探討網路口碑訊息互動性對於口碑訊息特性與知覺社會臨場感間的干擾影響效果。 本研究使用實驗設計,採二因子實驗設計法,對口碑訊息豐富性(高、低)與訊息互動性(高、低)加以操弄,以網路美食的火鍋店為例,研究結果發現,口碑訊息特性對口碑回應中的購買意願、口碑意圖有正向顯著影響;對微弱回應有負向顯著影響,且知覺社會臨場感的確在口碑訊息特性與口碑回應間產生中介效果。並且訊息互動性對於訊息豐富性與知覺社會臨場感間有正向的干擾作用。此研究結果可提供給予學者更清楚的了解網路口碑的傳遞過程中,知覺社會臨場感扮演的腳色外,亦可以使網路業者在行銷策略和管理上的建議,使其可善加利用網路口碑的力量,來增加網路上的銷售量。


The rapid development of Internet, e-word of mouth makes more features present in the internet, previous research for the impact of e-wom used word-of-mouth volume and both positive and negative characteristics to measure. This study consider using social presence theory(Short et al., 1976) and add the Sweeney et al. (2008)proposed by word of mouth features, including vivid message,and with the inclusion social presence as mediating variables, verify that the characteristics of different messages through word of mouth Response to the impact of social presence on word of mouth. In this study, experimental design, using the Internet for gourmet reputation as hot pot restaurants, for example, results showed, the response characteristics of the purchase will significantly influence positive word of mouth intentions; on the weak response to the significant negative impact, and Indeed, social presence in response to word of mouth, between features and word of mouth generated mediator. The results can provide network operators marketing strategies and management recommendations, and take advantage of the power of online word of mouth to increase the sales network.


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