  • 學位論文


The Study of Space and Schedule Planning for Bank Remodel Construction

指導教授 : 林祐正


施工規劃工作常扮演設計端與施工端的橋架角色,透過工程整合規劃將設計內容轉換為施工可行方案以利後端工程執行與管理;故雖貴有卓越設計成果,但乏有詳實規劃,於後施工過程中可能因為資源分配不當,不僅無法達成設計要求,亦可能發生作業衝突,或影響施工安全、品質、工期及成本。本研究以國內金融銀行重新裝修為例,探討在營業無中斷情形下進行全面裝修施工,因而無法按照往常一般工序安排施工作業;故同空間中必須同時滿足營業與施工兩種衝突行為問題發生。藉由文獻回顧尋找空間衝突解決對策與規劃法則,在營業行為優先使用的前提下,調整非營業空間作為施工空間,再隨著局部空間完工再重新調整營業與施工空間,因此形成動態空間配置之施工排程問題。透過分區與排程分析,將複雜交錯且離散無邏輯之空間與時間訊息予以探討研擬後,整理建構出一適當可用之排程規劃模式,期能以提高施工空間並行度與最少的臨時轉置空間設置量,以達撙節臨時設施建置成本為目標。另於進度排程規劃過程中,試導入設計結構矩陣Design Structure Matrix (簡稱DSM)為排程進度運算規劃工具,作為日後規劃可應用系統程式化工具。 本研究最後透過實例導入模式以驗證可行性,視個案條件所給定起始施工空間為初始解,後序即依本模式選定多重路徑之優化配置;並於進度排程規劃過程中,採行DSM進行快速分析、運算、分群與進度排定,如遇反覆修正初始值時,可快速提供後續之路徑規劃解,故可大幅提升規劃效率。而本研究所提出的空間排程規劃模型與運算工具,經本研究驗證後可作為日後空間規劃之參考與工具。


Project planning plays an important role in construction management. In the bank remodel construction, it needs to consider the integration of time and space problem special in schedule plan. The reason is that bank is still need to open during the remodel construction. In order to improve the above problem, the study applies design structure matrix (DSM) methodology to consider the integration of schedule and space issue for project managers. Based on literature review, DSM has proven effective at helping construction design teams streamline processes to address nonlinearity by iteration and complexity in design. The proposed DSM-based remodel schedule approach offers a means to represent, analyze, and decompose complex systems in order to improve the space-based limitation consideration. The proposed DSM-based remodel schedule approach is applied in selected case studies of Taiwan bank projects to verify our proposed methodology and demonstrate the effectiveness of schedule management. Project managers can take advantage of proposed approach to assist schedule planning using DSM-based software. With the evaluation of the two case studies in the Taiwan bank projects, the results show that DSM-based remodel schedule approach is effective in enhancing schedule planning for bank remodel construction projects.


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