  • 學位論文


A Study of the Business Opportunities Analysis in Tourist from Mainland China to Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳凱嬴 蔡佩芳 邱垂昱


隨著三通直航於2008年開放之後,兩岸旅行業往來的溝通漸趨頻繁,兩岸人民逐步開放從事探親、工作、觀光、學術交流等活動,近10年期間大陸人民出境來台觀光人次亦高達約50萬人次,可見兩岸觀光旅遊相當熱絡,本研究探討大陸人士來台對台灣觀光商機評析之研究。 鑑於中國大陸經濟發展成長與政策的開放,中國旅客在國際旅遊消費能力備受國際矚目,大陸人士來台觀光之比例佔來台人數中最大來源,在迎接大陸人士來台觀光之際,台灣地區旅行業者該如何因應兩岸不同政治制度、經濟體系、社會結構及文化,佈局陸客來台觀光之商機以提升其競爭力,實為影響其於台灣觀光產業之重要課題。


With the relaxation regulation of the cross-strait schedule charter flights between Taiwan and China since July 2008,the tourism industry starts booming after the opening of Chinese tourists visit Taiwan, people are engaged in visiting relatives or friends, work, sightseeing, academic exchanges and so on. For the past decade, the outbound tourists arrival from China to Taiwan has been reached to about half million people, the raising number of Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan were among the major breakthroughs in the relations across the Taiwan Strait., A Study of the Business Opportunities Analysis in Tourist from Mainland China to Taiwan With the booming of China economic development, China’s tourist consumption is more appealing and welcome to all tourist destinations, for the reason on consumption basis, Tawain is also keen to target tourists from mainland China. However, China has been seen as a major source market in tourism industry, how to justify and manage well the political, economic, social and culture issues, in addition to increase our competitiveness in Taiwan tourism industry is a critical and important topic.


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