  • 學位論文


Learning via Computer Games: Learners’ Flow Experience under Time Pressure

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


電腦遊戲是現在青少年極為喜愛的休閒活動也是最能進入心流經驗的活動之一,而電腦遊戲教材可以提高學生的學習動機,本研究將進一步研究電腦遊戲教材在關卡時間壓力下是否對學習者的心流經驗產生影響,主要研究方法採準實驗研究法,以新北市某高中電機科一年級二個班為研究樣本,依班級為單位隨機分派為控制組與實驗組,有效樣本控制組35名,實驗組38名。 研究者自行開發一套適用高級職業學校電機與電子群的數位邏輯課程電腦遊戲教材,控制組使用的電腦遊戲教材關卡無時間壓力,實驗組則有時間壓力,兩組進行各兩次的電腦遊戲教材學習活動,並於每次實驗結束填寫心流狀態量表與整體心流感受量表。統計方法採描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析進行資料分析,探討控制組與實驗組在心流狀態及整體心流感受的差異,並分析不同心流狀態下其整體心流感受之差異情形。 研究結果顯示電腦遊戲教材的關卡時間壓力不會造成學習者心流狀態及整體心流感受差異;不同心流狀態下的整體心流感受則有差異,心流狀態處於無聊及心流區的學習者有較好的控制感及樂趣;而隨著電腦遊戲教材使用次數的增加學習者的樂趣感會有下降的現象。


Computer games are now very popular among young people and are also one of the activities providing the best flow experience. For this reason, by incorporating teaching materials into computer games, student's academic motivation may be enhanced. The purposes of this study is to investigate whether time pressure designed for each level in a computer game would influence learners’ flow experience when learning the contents. Two 10th grade classes from a vocational high school in the New Taipei City participated in the study. One class (38 students) was randomly assigned to be the experimental group; and the other the control group (35 students). The researchers developed a computer game based on their own teaching materials for digital logic courses for vocational school students who specialized in advanced electrical and electronics, with the control group engaging in computer games to learn without time pressure, and the experimental group with time pressure at each level within the game. The two groups of participants played the computer games twice with the intention to learn the subject, and fill out a flow state scale at the end of each experiment. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, independent sample t-test, and two-way ANOVA were carried out. The results show that time pressure has not affected learners’ flow state and overall flow state. However, different kinds of flow state render different level of overall flow state. When the participants’ skills match or are better than the challenges in the game, they have a good sense of control and find pleasure playing the game; however, with the increase in the frequency of playing the game, the overall flow state decreases, and learners’ sense of fun in playing the game diminishes.


Time Pressure Computer Games Flow Experience




