  • 學位論文


Applying Search Engine Marketing to E-commerce Website Architecture

指導教授 : 翁頌舜


搜尋引擎現今已變成網路使用者必須的工具,透過搜尋引擎所產生的行銷模式也逐漸演進成各種形式,統稱SEM。本研究以其他書籍與文獻提出的SEM架構整理為基礎,將架構分為流量導入與網站優化兩類,分別加入社群行銷與UEO,重新檢視SEM為符合現今趨勢的結構,探討最佳的電子商務網站的經營與設計架構,將此架構應用至實務網站,以Google Analytics的網站流量與使用者行為數據驗證本研究提出之SEM的有效性;最後,研究結果也證實經營社群對網站流量與UEO對於探討電子商務網站有極大的影響,證實本研究所提出之SEM架構。未來開發者可以參考SEM架構的項目導入,設計出具備SEO與UEO的網站。


Search engines have become an indispensable tool for Internet users. There are also lots of marketing models deriving from Search engines, called SEM. In this study, we divided SEM structure into two types: flow into and website optimization based on SEM structure proposed by other books and literatures. Besides, we added social marketing and UEO respectively. Then, we re-examine the SEM, and make it be in line with current trends under the structure of the best E-commerce. Here, we used Google Analytics online tools to verify the effectiveness of proposed SEM by collecting website traffic and user behavior data. In conclusion, the results confirmed that the social marketing and UEO have great effectiveness in E-commerce sites. The SEM structure proposed in this study is well-confirmed. In the future, website developers can design websites with SEO and UEO referring to the SEM-based import.


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