  • 學位論文


A study of Urban Regeneration rehabilitation and conservation subsidy mechanism in Taipei City-Using the type of Condominium and Building as an example.

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


都市更新為近年來政府改善都市環境及景觀之重要政策之一,「拆除重建」為目前臺北市實施都市更新的主要方式。大部分現有建築物立面外觀老舊、未符合都市應有之景觀,但居住機能尚屬良好,實無拆除重建之必要,以「整建」及「維護」方式實施則可為都市實質環境與機能帶來全面性的改善。然而截至民國100年9月底,申請經費補助計有187案,迄至整建維護事業計畫公告核定僅14件,經統計每案自申請補助至完工平均需時26.8個月,以現行整建維護方式仍然費時,未能快速有效達到實質環境改善之成效,其仍有努力改善的空間。 為探討臺北市現行都市更新整建維護制度,先透過文獻回顧分析其執行成效、國內外執行機制及中央與新北市相關政策,據以研擬訪談題綱。復以深入訪談主管機關、審議委員、整建維護執行專家及社區組織代表等,探討分析各階段程序及補助、審議機制、協調整合及管理維護課題,以為歸納結論並提出建議。 本研究建議採「三合一」簡化流程方式,將「申請經費補助」、「更新單元劃定」、「擬具事業計畫」等併為一階段辦理;啟動技術性諮商,授權專案小組確認通過後提審議會報告,以強化整體審議品質及縮短流程;整合專業機構協助輔導修繕計畫及管理維護機制;修改整建維護相關法令以強化建物管理維護。冀以其整體制度改善,優化社區公寓大廈管理。


Recently, urban regeneration becomes one of government’s important policies to improve the city’s environment and landscape. ”RECONSTRUCTION” is the main way to carry out the urban regeneration in Taipei City. Although the surface of the building is old and shabby, it’s still in good function for habitant living inside. The reconstruction can be instead of “REHABILITATION and CONSERVATION” way to improve the city’s environment and function. Until the end of September in 2011, there were 187 applications for government’s subsidy, but only 14 applications were permitted and announced. The average duration of successful case from application to finish is 26.8 month. It’s still too slow to improve the city’s environment. In order to discuss the rehabilitation and conservation institution of Taipei City Government, we defined the outline of interview via the method of literature review to analyze the efficiency and in reference to the permitted applications, the domestic and foreign institution, the related ordinances in central government and New Taipei City Government. Then we interview with the staff of government urban regeneration department, commissioner of examination, specialists in rehabilitation and conservation and representation of apartment management committee etc. We discussed and analyzed the issues of application procedure, government subsidy, examination institution, community coordination and integration, building management and maintenance. Then induced the conclusion and provided some suggestions. Our advices as follow: 1. Adopt the “3 in 1” method to reduce application procedure. It combined the application of subsidy with delimitation of regeneration unit and writing the plan of regeneration into one step. 2. Activate the technical consultation. 3. Authorize to the special team to examine and to send motion to the examination committee. It could make better examination quality and reduce the application procedure. 4. To integrate the specialized organizations assists in the rehabilitation plan and maintenance. 5. To revise the current related ordinance for better building management and maintenance. We wish to improve the total institution to make a better environment in condominium and building management.


[1] 錢學陶,都市計劃學導論,臺北:茂榮圖書公司出版,1978。
[2] 胡俊雄,都市更新條例釋義,臺北:營建雜誌社,2000,p1-2。
[3] 內政部營建署委託都市計劃學會,都市計畫專業用語之解說及彙編,營建雜誌社出版,1991。


