  • 學位論文


Seeking for Critical Factors Lead Software Project Failure

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


軟體為了順應消費者對新科技運用的需求及追求開發速度,正朝著大型化及分散化的趨勢在演進。而當軟體專案因前述原因必須分為多個子專案分散在不同地點同時開發時,由於複雜度更高,不確定性因素更多,導致專案管理者更是難以精確掌握軟體各項子專案的運作現況。 軟體開發專案在開發流程上顯著的不同於其它產品開發。就本質而言,軟體本身具有抽象化的特質難以量化,而且高度依賴人力的智慧及創新能力。實際的經驗上告訴我們,大多軟體專案的開發時程的正確性往往要等到專案接近完成時才會出現,也就是在接近專案的後期時,我們才會真正知道我們規劃的各項開發任務的作業時間是否合理,但為時已晚。 專案管理者管理的事務繁多,但多數專案管理者日常的工作重心卻大都在處理因任務時程延誤的善後事項,原先專案管理者應專注的管理事項確因上述原因而毫無作為。這個現象在各個學說上也都曾被論及後知後覺所付出的代價會遠大於先知先覺,因此,預防勝於治療重要性不容小覷。 本研究希能藉由這次的探索來確定軟體專案延宕的主因。並依本研究看法提出相對應的建議。


Satisfying customer demand and accelerating the pace of software development to speed up software product delivery. Most of ODM dare not reject the request even this activity will definitely make the code size of software become bigger. The alternative usually will be adopted to solve those problems is that to divide whole software project into several sub-projects and may need to be deployed in different places. Unfortunately, this will cause complication higher, uncertain factor more to lead project managers hard to handle project well. With respect to essence of software development, valuing software design is more art than science, it is a comprehensive and abstract task which hard to be measured, it is highly relying on intelligence of software engineer and innovation ability. For project leader, this is definitely an obstacle to counter with project move on successfully In general, project leaders have to face various events in daily, especial those unexpectedness that result project delay. It usually exhausts manager’s attention complete and make project leaders stray from regular management job and cause project to be deficient in handling properly. This study conducts a survey with experts by using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to calculate survey results to determine the factors that lead project to failure .


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