  • 學位論文


User Scenario Approach for the Compatibility Test of Notebook Computers

指導教授 : 梁曉帆


現行的筆記型電腦之相容性測試,皆是以其功能性及周邊設備測試覆蓋率為基準,以測試完成後所得的各種功能的測試報告,作為評量該產品的相容性能力及是否能導入量產的依據。隨著電腦的演進,功能複雜化及設備多樣化,現存的相容性測試法,已漸漸地無法有效地為產品做出保證,且為了解決涵蓋率問題,只能持續不斷地擴張功能測試的涵蓋率與採購新的測試設備,但往往投入的資源,卻不一定能得到相對的品質保證,傳統相容性測試已面臨被全面質疑的地步,越來越多的相容性問題轉移到使用者的手上,造成客戶對產品的不再信任,進而公司漸漸失去了品質競爭力,最終可能達到品質信譽嚴重受損的地步。一個全新概念的測試方法是目前業界急迫所需的, 有鑑於現代人因工學,以及消費者/使用者導向所談及的行為分析,可套用在不少的企業行號或營運的個體上,相信它也能為相容性測試開創起一個全新的測試概念,導入使用者行為測試與機台的運作行為測試,能更有效率的擴大相容性測試所談及的涵蓋範圍,減少使用者發現相容性問題的機率,再加上該方法能有更有效的轉變為自動測試模式,降低投入成本又能提升產品品質與鞏固企業形象。本研究的結果,採用使用者情境做為測試主體,是可以有效地解決目前業界所遇到的問題。


Current notebook compatibility testing is based on system function test and peripherals test coverage, as to assess the mass production basis. With the evolution of computer, function complicated and diverse equipment, the existing compatibility testing method is gradually unable to effectively make the product assurance. Furthermore, to solve the coverage problem, current solutions are continuous expansions of functional testing and procurements of new test equipment, but the quality still cannot be assured with the invested resources. As a result, the traditional compatibility test has faced the overall questioning. More and more compatibility issues found by the consumers, and let them no longer trust the quality of the products. Eventually, companies lost their competitiveness, and could seriously damage their reputation. A new concept of the test method is therefore urgently required. In light of human factors engineering and user behavior analysis, the compatibility test can be transformed into a user behavior test and the operation of machine behavioral test. It could lead to more efficient expansion and coverage, and less probability of compatibility issues found by users. The proposed method can also couple with an automatic test form to lower input costs and improve the efficiency. As this thesis, use of user scenario as test subject, can solve problems encountered by the industry.


Compatibility Scenario Protocol


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