  • 學位論文


A Study on Virtual Brand Community, Knowledge Sharing, Brand Loyalty and Brand Performance -An Empirical Investigation of the Sports Brands

指導教授 : 胡同來


資訊科技的發達,使得網際網路與生活緊密連結。現今越來越多企業或新興創業者,除了自身官方網站之外,也越來越多品牌開始利用社群媒體來作為新的互動溝通平台。在競爭激烈的時代,企業運用社群媒體塑造虛擬品牌社群,透過社群間成員分享的機制以提升成員的品牌忠誠度與公司自身價值,進而提升企業品牌績效,使得企業品牌也能永續性的經營。 因此,本研究經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,發展一理論架構。以網路社群消費者為研究對象,透過問卷調查法,並以結構方程式模型探討該產業中虛擬品牌社群、知識分享、品牌忠誠度與品牌績效之關連性。 研究發現:虛擬品牌社群對知識分享,虛擬品牌社群對品牌忠誠度,虛擬品牌社群對品牌績效,知識分享對品牌忠誠度,以及品牌忠誠度對品牌績效皆有顯著的正向影響;而知識分享對品牌績效則無顯著影響。本研究以運動品牌之虛擬品牌社群成員為實證對象,探討各變數之關係,並研擬以行銷策略提供企業主作為參考依據,以期能對其行銷策略之制定有所貢獻。


Advances in information technology, making the Internet and living close links. Nowadays, more and more businesses and emerging entrepreneurs, in addition to the official website, more and more brands began to use social media as a new interactive communication platform. In a highly competitive environment, enterprises can use social media to build virtual brand communities, community sharing mechanism to enhance the brand loyalty with the company of members of their own values, and thus enhance corporate’s brand performance, corporate brand can be a sustainable business. This research integrated with academic books and with related references has developed a theory framework. The data collected from questionnaire investigation method in the Internet community, and explore brand community in the industry, knowledge sharing, brand awareness and brand performance by way of structural equation modeling. The most significant findings are as following: There is a significant, positive correlation between Virtual Brand Community and Knowledge Sharing. There is a significant, positive correlation between Virtual Brand Community and Brand Loyalty. There is a significant, positive correlation between Virtual Brand Community and Brand Performance. There is a significant, positive correlation between Knowledge Sharing and Brand Loyalty. There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Loyalty and Brand Performance. There is not a significant, positive correlation between Knowledge Sharing and Brand Performance. In this survey, the sports brands‘ virtual brand community members were taken as empirical objects to explore the relationship between the variables and to develop marketing strategies to provide business owners as a reference in order to be able to contribute to the formulation of its marketing strategy and manage sports brands.


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