  • 學位論文


A fast and minimally intrusive method of discharge measurement in a tidal stream

指導教授 : 陳彥璋




The hydrodynamic in estuarine river is affected by inflow and tide, so that the end of the estuarine river is often changed. Measure discharge is inaccurately at estuary is affected by tidal. The tidal stream is unsteady,we need efficient discharge measurement instrumentation and method to measure discharge. The study used the Argonaut-SW measurement instrumentation measured discharge for complete tidal in the Keelung River. And accurate calculation of discharge by Chiu`s Velocity Distribution and the Mid-Section Method. Then Use the data to establish an efficient method of discharge measurement in tidal streams by relationship between mean velocity and maximum velocity and relationship between water level and cross-sectional area. This efficient method can be used with any current meter to reduce the time and cost of discharge measurement in tidal streams.


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