  • 學位論文


Applying Man-Machine Interface Design in Work Simulation and Workload Analysis – A Case Study of Welding and Sanding Task

指導教授 : 陳協慶


本研究針對工廠內焊接工人的不良姿勢進行研究,以人機互動設計模擬以蹲姿及立姿兩種姿勢進行焊件補焊去焊渣作業,提供改善前後之實際量化數據。研究使用Borg CR-10主觀量表與肌電圖、心電圖等客觀指標作為工作負荷之評估,分別評估15名受測者於蹲姿及立姿之作業負荷。實驗結果顯示立姿作業的平均心率及主觀負荷明顯低於蹲姿做業。但在立姿作業時兩側背直肌的EMG強度(50%ile:9.4 %MVC)皆明顯的低於蹲姿時的EMG強度(50%ile:12.2 %MVC),立姿進行去焊渣作業時雙手肱三頭肌的EMG強度(50%ile:5.7 %MVC)也顯著地低於蹲姿時的EMG強度(50%ile:9.1 %MVC)。然而,立姿時小腿腓腸肌因身體平衡需要,所以EMG強度反而高於蹲姿時的EMG強度,但平均強度僅高出約2 %MVC。


蹲跪作業 焊接作業 EMG


This study explores awkward posture effects on industrial welders by simulating welding and sanding casting parts in a kneeling and a standing posture. This laboratory study builds a human-machine interface and uses Borg CR-10 scale, electromyography (EMG), and electrocardiography (ECG) as subjective and objective indicators to quantify workload. The task workloads of 15 subjects using standing and kneeling postures were assessed and compared. Experimental results show significant lower heart rate and subjective workload in using standing posture than in using kneeling posture. While changing working posture from kneeling to standing, EMG intensities reduces significantly in bilateral erector spinae (50%ile; standing: 9.4 %MVC; kneeling: 12.2 %MVC) for both welding and sanding tasks. The EMG intensities in both side of triceps brachii are also significantly decreased in the sanding task (50%ile; standing: 5.7 %MVC; kneeling: 9.1 %MVC). However, standing posture has greater EMG intensity in bilateral gastrocnemius than kneeling posture, but the difference was only about 2 %MVC.


Kneeling Welding EMG


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