  • 學位論文


A Study of Trademark Infringement on the Internet-Focusing on Keyword Advertising

指導教授 : 陳春山


隨著網路行銷及電子商務活動的發展,各種網路上的技術及商業模式不斷推陳出新,在電子商務時代,網路廣告已成為企業於網際網路交易環境提高能見度的主要行銷工具。在過去10幾年來,美國及歐洲於網路上使用他人商標所引發的商標侵權爭議,包括網頁標記、橫幅廣告、彈跳式廣告、付費排序關鍵字廣告等,在商標侵權要件認定上,曾引發諸多討論,其中最大爭議在於「商標使用」與「混淆誤認之虞」兩大要件之認定。 本文首先從法規制度面比較分析TRIPS、美國、歐洲及我國關鍵字廣告商標侵權相關規範,其次,歸納分析美國及歐洲法院在現有法令架構下對「商標使用」要件與「混淆誤認之虞」要件之解釋,該如何運用於網際網路的虛擬世界?透過案例的觀察分析,探求歐美法院對關鍵字廣告引發之商標使用理論、初始興趣混淆、搜尋引擎服務業者是否須負間接侵權責任、合理使用抗辯等法律議題的見解及判斷法則,並分析在我國現有法律制度下處理關鍵字廣告商標侵權問題可能之解釋與適用。本文試圖從分岐的學說及法院實務見解中找到平衡,並對商標、競爭主管機關及法院面對關鍵字廣告商標侵權爭議時,可能面臨的問題提出相關建議,期使商標權保護與社會大眾合理利用資訊的利益能得到平衡。


Over the last decade, disputes on trademark infringement regarding the use of third party trademarks as keywords to trigger internet advertising were highly common. The most controversial issues were “Trademark Use” and “Likelihood of Confusion.” This article aims to compare the statutes of trademark infringement by analyzing cases of keyword advertising in the US, EU and Taiwan. It also summarizes the courts’ interpretation and opinion of Trademark Use and Likelihood of Confusion in the virtual world of the internet. A comparison of case studies in the US and the EU is then made to analyze trademark infringement legal issues arisen from keyword advertising, such as trademark use doctrine, initial interest confusion, search engine operator’s indirect liability for trademark infringement, the defense of fair use, and such. This article concludes with possible explanations of relevant legal issues under Trademark Act, Fair Trade Act, and Civil Code in Taiwan, and examines whether it is sufficient to rule the inadequate use of third party trademarks as keyword advertising in Taiwan. Finally, this article will provide recommendations for our current trademark protection policy to get the best balance of interests for trademark owners’ protection and the public’s reasonable use of information.


郭雨嵐、林俐瑩(2012)。〈由Rosetta Stone v. Google Inc.案淺論關鍵字廣告之商標法上爭議〉,《萬國法律》,第185期,頁35。
