  • 學位論文


The Study of Schedule Management and Tracking Using Graphic Method

指導教授 : 林祐正


目前進度管理方法大都以數值搭配文字表述現場狀況,現場實際執行位置無從得知,在無法掌握現場之狀態下做規劃,某工項有可能發生在同一介面上與其他工項衝突之情形。不同人面對相同資訊得到的解讀不一定相同,因此產生認知上的差異,這些差異正是許多問題的根源。當專案複雜、占地廣大時管理難度隨之升高,使用網圖法、甘特圖法等較難以統整性的控管,而圖形式進度管理可輔助網圖法與甘特圖法進行更詳細的監控。 有鑑於圖形式進度管理可快速、直觀表述難以文字說明之事項、利用圖面做空間分析管理等多項優點,本研究建置一套輔助原有進度管理執行進度控管之標準作業流程以及建立繪製原則Plan、Perform、Warn、Mark(簡稱2PWM),同時搭配輔助控管表協助管理者進行管理。根據繪製原則衍生出七種圖面類型,藉此凸顯問題、直觀呈現進度異常之位置、顯現是否有尚待處理之事件,將資訊彙整供管理者做全盤性的分析與決策,促進溝通協調的效率,並在方法建置完成後藉由案例導入探討圖形式進度控管之效益與困難,最後提出本研究之結論與建議。


Currently, there are many limitations in schedule progress control using CPM method for construction building projects. One of these problems is that it is not easy to identify and illustrate the location of updating schedule. In order to improve the problem, the study proposes the graphic method for schedule management and tracking. This study focus on creating the progress control process in practice using Plan, Perform, Warn, Mark (2PWM) approaches and proposed schedule control tables. Integrated with 2PWM approaches and proposed schedule control tables, CPM schedule management for updating schedule can be enhanced for easily illustration and identification in the updating schedule location. Finally, the proposed method is applied to a case study of a new building project in Taiwan to verify its efficacy and demonstrate its effectiveness during the construction phase. The advantages of the proposed method are in improving schedule control and management efficiency with graph visualization, and accessing to the most current as-built schedule information. Finally, the limitations, problems, and suggestions are discussed based on the implementation of case studies in this study.


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