  • 學位論文

專利池創新之研究-以藍光光碟(Blu-ray Disc)專利池為中心

The Exploration of Patent Pool Innovation: the Empirical of Blu-ray Disc

指導教授 : 王育慧


隨著科技的發展的快速,專利累積相當驚人也很分散,各產業間形成了專利叢林的現象,企業也常常因為知識產權的問題導致生產成本或訴訟過大,為了解決這個問題,專利池因此而誕生。然而專利池是否真能促進競爭或者是促進企業創新能力,學界卻有不同看法。自2008年起,藍光碟片以每年83%~120%幅度成長,在2013年出貨量更達到四億一千兩百萬,因此有不少廠商紛紛投入。本研究以在同一時期建立的Premier BD及One-Blue BD專利池所屬的專利為研究對象,來調查兩競爭性專利池的專利品質是否具差異性、專利池專利品質與其被授權人的財務績效之關聯性、專利池與專利權人身分對專利池的創新績效是否具差異以及授權人聯盟經驗與其績效間的關聯性。 本研究發現,兩競爭性專利池的專利品質具差異性,專利池專利品質與其被授權人的財務績效之關聯性不顯著,專利池成立後創新績效下降,專利權人身分對專利池成立前後的創新績效具差異性以及授權人聯盟經驗與其績效間的關聯性高。


One of the most effective solutions to patent thickets is the patent pool which multiple licensors unify to license their complementary patents in a package. However, academic researches and empirical investigations are not consistent in whether patent pools encourage innovation performance. Since 2008 to 2013, the annual growth rate of Blu-ray discs was from 83% to 120%. In 2013, shipment quantity reached to four hundred and twelve millions. Thus many company have attracted to invest in this industry. This study uses two competing Blu-ray Disc™ (BD) patent alliances as an empirical case to test 3 hypotheses. The study investigated the two competitive BD patent pools, Premier BD and One-Blue BD, to test several hypotheses: whether patent quality of the two patent pools are different, the correlation relationship between patent quality of patent pools and licensees’ financial performance, whether the formation of a patent pool and the characteristic of the pool member influence innovation performance. The study made several conclusions that patent quality of the two competitive patent pools were significantly different, the correlation between patent quality of patent pools and licensees’ financial performance was less significant, the formation of a patent pool and the characteristic of the pool member statically influence innovation performance.


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