  • 學位論文


The Design of a Game Platform for Close Range Hand Motion

指導教授 : 張厥煒


近年來體感裝置推陳出新,廣泛的使用於遊戲領域,為了使玩家更融入遊戲情境,遊戲開發者設計出適合遊戲內容之動作,並提供手勢讓使用者操作選單介面,取代舊式搖桿控制器,以自然直覺的方式與系統溝通。 本論文著重近距離之手部動作,設計並實作一手勢動作偵測系統,透過Leap Motion提供的手部特徵資訊,追蹤手在空間中的位置、角度、方向、指尖位置等,利用這些資訊進行手勢動作偵測。系統之手勢辨識分為兩類,操控手勢和連續動作比對。操控手勢是利用定義好的手勢特徵比對,當偵測到畫面中出現定義之手勢時,計算並輸出對應數值,如兩手之距離;連續動作比對是錄製一連串的畫面,記錄手部動作軌跡,再以預先錄製之動作樣本進行比對,判定屬於哪一個動作。 使用系統提供的操控手勢於介面操作,再加上錄製的連續動作樣本,開發者可以快速完成一體感遊戲,本論文將在後面章節提出實作的遊戲以展示本系統之成果。


Recently, motion sensing input devices commonly used in games. In order to make players enjoy the game, the developers designed many funny motion and convenient gesture. These devices in place of old and make Human-Computer Interface friendlier. This paper focus on close range hand motion, designed and implement a hand gesture detection system. Using Leap Motion to obtain hand features to recognize hand gesture. The hand features include position, angle, direction, position of fingertip, etc. The whole system divided into two parts. The first part is manipulation gesture detection system. It use predefined gesture feature value to detect, the system will output gesture info when gesture appear in frame. The second part is continuous motion recognition system. It used to recognize the motion recorded by developer. Developer can use this system to build a motion sensing game fast. This paper will show a game to demonstrate the achievement of this system.


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