  • 學位論文


Lighting Optimization of Library

指導教授 : 陳昭榮


圖書館書架區之照度及其節能一直不為人所注意,讀者除了要找資料或借書外,一般不會逗留太久;走訪本校或其他圖書館時可發現,部分書架上書籍及走道上之照度未達到應有之照度標準,尋找書籍資料的時間也就會因光線的不足而受影響,為改善此一現象,本論文將以此區照明燈具及燈管之裝設位置為探討之重點。 為計算照度,本論文應用MATLAB軟體中之GUI功能,撰寫一程式代替繁複的演算以利找出書架區最佳平均照度之燈具位置。程式中未將地面上之照度納入計算,只將書架兩側之照度納入計算範圍,以符合實際使用。 另外,也檢討了原設置燈具的方式與建議方案的用電差別,以供爾後調整或新設圖書館書架區的節能策略參考。


照明 平均照度 節能 書架 圖書館


The lighting of university library bookshelves area has been unnoticed. Students except seeks the information or the library, in the ordinary circumstances, do not have to pause too for a long time. To visite the school or other libraries can be found in some books on the shelves and aisles of illumination does not meet the proper illumination standards, the time to find library materials is affected by the lack of light. In order to improve this phenomenon, this article will use this area of the installation of lighting fixtures and lamps to explore the focus position. To calculate the illumination of this application software MATLAB GUI functionality, instead of writing a program to facilitate complex calculations to find the best bookshelf area average illuminance lighting position. The program is not included in the calculation of the illuminance on the ground, only the sides of shelves included in the calculation of the illumination range to meet the practical use. In addition, a review of the original set of electric lamps and the proposal for later the reference to adjust or design of the energy-saving of library shelf area.


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