  • 學位論文


Energy Management in Combined Heat, Cooling and Power System

指導教授 : 姚立德


全球能源危機、空氣汙染等問題日漸嚴重,使得新型綠能產業發展蓬勃,例如太陽能、燃料電池、熱電複合產業等等。本文以結合太陽集熱系統固態氧化物燃料電池(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC)及吸附式製冷系統之小型熱電冷複合系統進行能源規劃,提出以固態氧化物燃料電池運轉時所產生的高溫及太陽集熱系統收集的熱為吸附式製冷系統的能量供應製成空調,建立了燃料電池以及吸附式製冷非線性模型,設計能源管理系統結合電網及考慮及時電價,在滿足各項設備正常運行及並滿足住家供電、供冷及供熱等負載需求狀況下,使得天然氣與電力綜合經濟成本最佳,以CPLEX進行混和整數規畫模擬,模擬結果中得知,在滿足用戶各項設備負載運作下,利用預冷、預熱及儲熱等能源調度方式來達成減少用戶能源費用支出、節能減碳等目的。


Global energy crisis, air pollution problems become more serious. Green energy, such as solar energy, fuel cells, Cogeneration System is attracted extensive attention worldwide. In this paper, we combined with the solar collector system and solid oxide fuel cell system and adsorption chiller system. We used the waste heat by solid oxide fuel cell and the hot water by solar collector system to drive the adsorption chiller system. Build the nonlinear model by solid oxide fuel cell and adsorption chiller system. Design energy management systems and consider timely electricity grid solving. In the normal operation of equipment to meet the electricity, air conditioning and heating load requirements and other conditions. It is very important to fully utilize solar energy and optimize the operation of heat storage optimization problem for the energy supply system. Reached reduce user energy costs, energy saving and carbon reduction.


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