  • 學位論文


The Study on Fire Endurance Evaluation of Fire Compartment made by Glasses or Shutters

指導教授 : 陳俊勳


本研究運用火災模擬軟體FDS以及有限元素分析軟體ANSYS對建築內使用玻璃材料或是防火捲門構成之防火區劃進行分析與討論。 玻璃區劃部分,當玻璃材質採用非具有防火時效之防火玻璃,火場中環境溫度升高,玻璃材料溫差過大時有破裂掉落之疑慮,經由文獻的探討,一般玻璃或是強化玻璃溫差達到250℃~300℃時即有破裂掉落之可能,本研究以常見之透明玻璃昇降機道做為討論對象,在一地下場站內進行FDS火災模擬,由模擬結果得知當一個1×1m2、5MW之火源臨近玻璃分間牆,該玻璃分間牆將於火災發生後第75秒破裂,造成火災產生之濃煙將向上竄升,並於第147秒造成上一樓層之玻璃破裂,原有垂直區劃遭到破壞,造成煙層於上一樓層蓄積,火災之危害範圍擴大,上述情境分析結果亦對照我國「建築技術規則」以及「鐵路隧道及地下場站防火避難設施及消防設備設置規範」對於防火區劃之規定進行討論。 在防火捲門部分,以區劃電扶梯間之防火捲門做為討論對象,在一地下場站內進行FDS火災模擬,且由FDS模擬之捲門溫度分佈進一步運用ANSYS分析捲門之變形狀況以及熱應力分佈,電扶梯間之防火捲門與該防煙區劃之偵煙器連動,並設定三種情境進行比較,分別為無動作、下降至距地面2公尺處及完全關閉,此三種動作情形導致火場之煙流及環境條件均不相同,尤以捲門無動作情境對起火樓層之上一樓層影響最為嚴重,而捲門完全關閉之情境則造成該起火樓層受火災影響最為嚴重,由模擬結果顯示,捲門動作時起火樓層之環境達到不利於人員逃件條件較捲門無動作提早約30秒,此外,當捲門下降之距地面兩公尺處及全關之情形其受熱產生變形均以向火場方向凹陷為主,於模擬時間720秒內,其最大變形量分別為319mm及630mm,此兩種捲門下降情況其熱應力分佈則因邊界條件不同而有所差異,於模擬時間720秒內,其最大應力分別為1.0 GPa及2.2 GPa。


This research carries out the fire resistance evaluations of the glass partition wall and the fire shutters used in building by FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) and ANSYS software, a finite element software. For the glass partition wall, it might be broken due to the temperature gradient if it is not a flameproof glass. From literature review, it shows that the temperature difference between the two sides causing glass to break is ranged from 250 to 300°C. A see-through glass elevator and its channel is the target of this research. The FDS simulation result shows that the glass is broken in 75 second at the floor, where fire occurs, and another one is broken in 145 second at the upper floor when a 1m×1m, 5MW fire is near the glass partition wall. In this situation, smoke can spread to the upper floor through the elevator’s channel. The vertical fire compartment becomes invalid. This situation leads to a discussion with the present national building code. On the part of fire shutters, shutters used in escalator room is the target of this research. Three scenarios are specified. In The first scenario, the shutters do not activate in a fire. The second, the shutters descend down to a position, where is 2 meter-height from the floor. The last one is that the shutters close completely. The FDS simulations show that the upper floor is most seriously affected by the fire in first scenario; the floor, where fire occurs, is the most severely influenced by the fire in the last scenario. It shows that the environment meet the conditions, which is not suitable for evacuation, in the first scenario is about 30 second earlier than the second and the third scenario. The ANSYS simulation results show that the shutters expand toward the fire exposure side in the second and last scenarios. The maximum deformations are 319 mm and 630 mm during the simulation time. Because the shutters have different boundary conditions, they have different thermal stress distributions in the second and the last scenarios. The maximum stress intensities are 1.0 GPa and 2.2 GPa during the simulation time.


FDS finite element ANSYS glass shutter


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