  • 學位論文


Purchasing Strategies in Consumer Electronics Industry - An Empirical Study of ASUSTeK Computer

指導教授 : 楊千


本論文針對消費性電子產業之零組件採購,提出於五項分別以時間、資金、市場供需、零組件價格及供應商競爭力為基礎之策略採購模式。本論文所建立之模式,係參考過去不同學者對於競爭分析及策略採購議題之看法,以產品生命週期理論為基礎,融合長年實際採購經驗,把筆記型電腦由發展、普及、平價到低價的1995年至2009年十五年,區分為導入期、成長一期、成長二期、調整期及成熟期五階段,以華碩電腦公司為例進行探討,選定筆記型電腦與Eee PC之兩大關鍵零組件-動態隨機存取記憶體及液晶顯示器,分析DRAM及LCD在不同階段的產業發展及供應商經營、競合狀況,以及各時期的不同採購目標與長、短期策略,最後歸納並建立關鍵零組件採購在不同價、量、時點、資金與供應商競爭力等因素構面所存在的五種關聯模式。研究顯示,依本論文所提出之模式來判斷、決定採購策略,可使公司資金做最有效運用,為企業經營創造最佳獲利與競爭力。


This thesis presents five strategic purchasing models for the components procurement in consumer electronics industry that based on the factors of timing, capital, demand and supply, component price and vendor competitiveness. The proposed models are referred to the views on competitive analysis and purchasing strategies from different scholars and product life cycle theory, and developed with the long-term experience and know-how of procurement. The thesis divides the 15-years of the introduction to popularization of consumer notebook, from 1995 to 2009, into five stages: introduction stage, growth stage -one, growth stage -two, adjustment stage and maturity stage. This research takes ASUSTeK as an empirical study and targets on the two key components, DRAM and LCD, of ASUS notebook and Eee PC, and discusses the development of DRAM and LCD industries, and operation, competition and cooperation between vendors at different stages, as well as the procurement goals and long, short-term purchasing strategies in the relative periods. The last part of the thesis summarizes and develops five correlation models under different key factors such as price, quantity, timing, capital and vendor competitiveness. Research shows that applying the models proposed by the thesis can make the best use of company funds and effectively manage and optimize business performance and competitiveness.


Strategic Purchasing Consumer Electronics ASUS DRAM LCD


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