  • 學位論文

手機應用程式與 RESTful APIs 間的網路傳輸減量

Transmission Reduction between Mobile Phone Applications and RESTful APIs

指導教授 : 黃俊龍


近幾年來,越來越多的使用者使用智慧型手機等手持設備上網,使用者可以透過網路獲取他們的資訊或者是在熱門的社群網站(例如Twitter、Facebook和MySpace)上更新他們的狀態。而這些熱門的社群網站通常會提供API(Application Programming Interface)。開發人員可以使用這些 API來創建一個新的網站或是開發手機應用程式。REST(Representational State Transfer)是最常見也最多網路服務提供者所使用的API架構。儘管這些熱門的社群網站或其他網站已經存在專門供手機瀏覽的行動版本網站,讓用戶可以使用手機瀏覽器來訪問。但是使用手機應用程式透過他們提供的RESTful APIs來存取這些網站會有很多優點,比方說,手機應用程式有很炫很好用的使用者介面,他們可以與手機作業系統結合,例如開放源始碼的的Android平台。開發人員可以開發一個 RESTful客戶端應用程式來避免下載整個 HTML或JavaScript檔案所造成的網絡傳輸量。 但RESTful APIs在低頻寬的無線網路中也存在傳輸上的負擔與浪費。在本篇論文中,我們觀察到在低頻寬的無線網路中,手機應用和RESTful APIs間的傳輸負擔,然後我們提出一個系統架構,以減少這些傳輸負擔。進而加快回應時間與減少網路傳輸量。


傳輸減量 傳輸優化


In recent years, more and more users use the handheld devices such as smartphone to access the Internet. Users can get their data from the Internet or update their status to the hot social networking Web sites (e.g., Twitter, Facebook and MySpace). These popular social networking Web sites usually provide the API (Application Programming Interface). Developers can use these APIs to rebuild a new Web site or a mobile phone application. The REST (Representational State Transfer) scheme is most famous architecture style to call these APIs. Despite there are already exist friendly mobile version Web sites. Users can use mobile Web browser to access these hot social networking Web sites or others. But there are many advantages in using mobile phone applications to access these Web sites through the RESTful APIs they provide. For example, mobile phone applications have fantastic UI and they can integrate with the mobile phone operation system such as open-source Android platform. Developers can develop a RESTful client application to avoid to download entire HTML or Javascript files that will cause many network traffics. But RESTful APIs also have overhead in transmission. In this thesis, we observed the overhead between mobile phone applications and RESTful APIs in low-bandwidth wireless network. We proposed a system architecture to reduce these transmission overheads. And then, speed up the response time and decrease the total transmission bytes.


REST RESTful Mobile Android Transmission Reduction


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