  • 學位論文


Battery Management System in Power Module for Automobile Application

指導教授 : 蘇朝琴


本論文針對電動車之高電壓電池電源模組架構進行管理研究。電池模組中加上一個同時具有電能管理與容錯功能之智慧電池模組管理技術,應用於電動車之鋰電池模組上。在電池陣列中的每個電池串上附加一顆電池管理MCU,能夠管理電池的充放電與電量偵測,再傳送給電池模組主管理系統(Battery Module Management System BMMS)。 BMMS則針對陣列中所有電池的使用狀況,除了決定電池組的充放電之外,並且對電池進行靜態與動態的電池平衡,甚至在部分電池無法工作時,調整電池組的組態,使電池能夠持續工作。這是一種 Graceful Degradation 的容錯設計,這樣的設計可以避免電池組因部分電池的異常狀況,造成整個電池組因為連鎖反應而損壞,亦可以避免因瞬間喪失動力而造成致命的危險。


This study is focused on the management of the high voltage battery modules of electric vehicles. We use intelligent battery module management technology with energy management and fault tolerance technologies on the battery module, and apply the technology on lithium battery module of electric vehicle. By attaching a Battery Module Management System (BMMS) to battery strings, it can manage battery charging, discharging, and balancing. The Battery Module Management System (BMMS) not only charge and discharge the batteries, but also balance the batteries statically and dynamically. Besides, BMMS will adjust battery pack configuration to keep battery working when some batteries are unable to work. This is a graceful degradation fault tolerant design. This design can avoid battery pack damaging by abnormal batteries chain reactions. It can also avoid mortal danger by losing energy instantly.


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