  • 學位論文


Development of Lithium-ion Battery Charger for Electric Motorcycle

指導教授 : 劉煥彩


隨?電動機車技術的發展,電池是關鍵的動力來源。傳統的鉛酸電池已不符需求。而鋰電池的高能量、低污染等特性,為目前業界所極力推動的能源。然而對於鋰電池充電技術的不適當,容易造成電池的損壞。因此充電器的設計對電池壽命有很大的影響。 本文針對鋰電池特性需求設計,以返馳轉換器提供定電流充電與定電壓方式充電。為了防止鋰電池過充現象。本研究採用微控器回授控制進行脈寬調變。實現充電器之定電流及定電壓的需求。


The development of electric motorcycle technology, the battery is a key motive force source. The traditional lead-acid battery has not accorded with the demand yet. The Lithium-ion battery has the high energy density and the high circulation performance, enhances the instantaneous horsepower output and the endurance. But the one that charged technology to the Lithium-ion battery is inappropriate, it is apt to cause the damage of the battery. So the design of the charger has very great influence on lifetime of the battery. For design of Lithium-ion battery characteristic demand, the flyback converter will offer the constant current and voltage definitely to charge. In order to prevent the Lithium-ion battery overcharging, this research is adopted feedback control to adjust duty cycle by pulse width modulation. The demand for constant current and voltage of the Lithium-ion battery charger will be realized.


[1] 環保署移動污染源管制網。
[2] 工研院產業情報”鋰電池材料發展分析”。
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