  • 學位論文


Legal Issues of Recent Media Mergers and Acquisitions in Taiwan──The Cases of China Times Media Group, China Network Systems, and Next Media

指導教授 : 林建中


媒體產業一直以來是特別的產業,身為一個產業,媒體很明顯地具有商業性,然而身為訊息傳播工具,媒體同時又具有公益性,因此研究媒體產業的學者一直以來都有市場模式與公共領域模式的爭論,政府也一直在市場模式與公共領域模式之間尋求管制的平衡點。更困難的,即便是公共領域模式也需承認的是,利用不同科技傳遞訊息會影響到政府管制的強度;進一步言之,即使是同一種傳遞訊息的科技隨著時間亦會不斷地演進,因而政府的管制架構亦應隨著不斷調整。 近來因為數位匯流的關係,全球各地開始了另一波媒體併購潮,就連我國也開始這股潮流,而我國主管機關在面對群起效尤的媒體併購潮,是否有合理的管制架構?包括管制標準為何?實證資料是否齊全?論證是否完整?順著這股媒體併購潮,本文擬透過旺旺集團近年在我國開啟的三宗備受注目的媒體併購案作為觀察對象,來瞭解並評估我國媒體管制的法律架構。 本文首先回顧探討媒體的管制基礎與媒體集團化之利弊後,做出偏向支持解除管制的初步方向;接著探討旺旺集團在我國開啟的三個媒體併購案:中時集團案、中嘉網路案與壹傳媒集團案,從事實面與法律面著手;並就NCC提出的廣播電視壟斷防制與多元維護法草案與匯流大法草案進行討論,並涵攝上開三個案件;最後,綜合觀察上開三個案件與草案後,本文對於我國未來媒體的管制架構應如何規定為洽提出想法。


Media industry has always been a special industry. As an industry, it no doubt has a commercial character. As a message transferring tool, the media has a certain level of public interests in it. Therefore, it has long been debatable whether it is the market model or the public sphere model that should be regulating the media industry. The government also, inevitably, need to strike a balance point between the two models. However, technology has made this balance point illusive due to the fact that different technologies affect the level of regulation by the government. Even the same technology would evolve rapidly with time causing the government to adjust its policy of regulating the media industry constantly. Recently, due to the expected convergence of digital media, a new wave of media mergers took place worldwide, even in Taiwan. Something to think about in this new wave of media mergers: Have our government authorities designed a complete structure of regulation? What are the criterions? Are there sufficient empirical evidences? To better observe and evaluate the soundness of our legal structure in media mergers and acquisitions, this thesis will take three media merger cases of Want Want Group as examples. This thesis first reviews the theories of media regulation and cost-benefit analysis of conglomeration, then argues for the need of more deregulation. In addition, this thesis discusses the three media merger cases that Want Want Group launched (China Times Media Group, China Network Systems, Next Media) from two different aspects: facts and law. Moreover, this thesis deliberates on the draft laws of convergence, and also on anti-monopoly in media that applies its framework to dissect the abovementioned three cases to reversely examine the proposed legislation’s reach. Lastly, a brief analysis on the best possible legal structure for Taiwan in the current socio-economic setting.


