  • 學位論文


Product Launch Strategies for TFT-LCD Manufacturers

指導教授 : 林博文


摘要 隨著電子產品生命週期的縮短與愈加劇烈的競爭,電子產品的售價下降的速度迅速,廠商成本壓力也越來越大,尤其在TFT_LCD顯示器製造業中,這幾年來由於各廠集中資金切入次世代面板廠的建置,使市場長期處於供過於求的狀態下,另外產品售價下降的速度已大於成本下降的速度,利潤越來越薄。TFT_LCD顯示器產業無不絞盡腦汁,加速面板次世代的產能建置及垂直整合各材料零組件廠商,或是以結盟的方式來降低生產製造的成本。此論文就是以紫式分析的架構想法下展開及波特五力分析、SWOT分析說明目前業界的經營模式並探討比較群創公司所提出的出海口模式有無實際上優勢? TFT_LCD顯示器產業是一個資本技術密集的工業,於競爭激烈的環境中及資訊技術的進步推進下知識傳遞加速,所以造成任何的優勢或進入障礙很快就會被打破,每個企業只能在創新循環中建構及維持暫時性的競爭優勢,所以要隨著趨勢及市場環境的改變加速轉變經營模式及創新技術來保持競爭力,是未來企業不可或缺的成長動能。此論文中亦介紹說明TFT_LCD顯示器出海口模式的概念,透過SWOT分析各家業界的立場,及供應鏈上所創造價值,如何選定TFT_LCD產業於此階段的切入點,來展現機會,並呈現價值,才能創造及行銷與業界經營模式的差異獲取更多的效益。 本研究是以說明TFT_LCD顯示器出海口模式的經營概念,並藉此檢視此一模式於市場變化及產品生命週期變化中如何切入,才具實質上獲利模式。對於TFT_LCD產業而言,經營面、策略面上建議業者應投入更多資源爭取機會以激發更多的產品創新,技術創新及經營模式創新。


ABSTRACT With the shortening life cycle, intensive competition, declining prices, and heavy cost down pressures in TFT_LCD display industry. In past few years, TFT_LCD manufacturers put tremendous funds on building next generation panel factories: the display market always in oversupply status. In addition, the selling price decline speed is faster than cost reduction speed. TFT_LCD manufactures keep in profitable become more and more difficult. By accelerating next generation panel factory building speed, integrate upstream raw material manufactures’ resource, or ally with other company to reduce manufacturing cost are the major topic for every TFT_LCD manufactures. In this thesis, we will determine whether or not the InnoLux’s “exportation mode” has real advantage in TFT_LCD display industry by using “UNISON Decision Analysis Framework”, “Michael Porter's Five Forces Model”, and “SWOT analysis”. TFT_LCD display industry is a capital/technology intensive industry. It is hard to keep advantage or set entry barriers in this fierce competition and speedy knowledge transfer environment. Only by constructing innovation cycle, TFT_LCD manufactures can keep a “temporary” competitive advantage. By adopting environmental changes, transfer business model, and innovate new technology become the only way to keep growth momentum for the future. This thesis also explains TFT_LCD “exportation mode”: by SWOT analysis of different standpoint and represent supply chain’s value creation flow; to find out a better business model---relative effectiveness and profitable operation model for TFT_LCD display industry.


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