  • 學位論文


Semiclassical Approach on Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Strong Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Interaction

指導教授 : 張正宏 林怡萍


本論文研究了在III-V族半導體異質結構二維電子氣體(Two Dimensional Electron Gas)的自旋弛豫(spin relaxations)情形。我們將用原本模擬Rashba自旋耦合作用(Rashba SOI)的半古典自旋算符方法,推廣到Dresselhaus自旋耦合作用(Dresselhaus SOI)。本篇論文的主要貢獻是成功地把Dresselhaus SOI對應之自旋算符寫成半古典路徑積分形式。因此,我們可以把之前只考慮Rashba SOI的研究工作,重新加入Dresselhaus SOI的效應,這將更符合真實的物理情況。另外,我們也模擬了一種同時含有Rashba SOI和Dresselhaus SOI的自旋場效電晶體(Spin-Field-Effect Transistor)。根據模擬的結果,這種電晶體可以在雜質存在的情況(diffusive regime)下,依然運作良好。另外,Mal'shukov曾提出在准一維通道(quasi-1-dimensioal channels)中,某些自旋組態 (spin configurations)的自旋弛豫極慢。若在含雜質的系統,其衰減速度會正比於通道寬度的平方。我們在本論文中也提出半古典圖像解釋,說明自旋弛豫變慢的機制。此外,我們還可以預測在幾乎不含雜質的情況(ballistic regime)下,電子自旋弛豫的情形,這也超出了Mal’shukov研究的範疇。在我們即將完模擬時,才發現在二零零五年,Pershin已經發表類似的結果;很顯然的,他也找到了和我們相同的機制。然而和Pershin不同的是,我們還研究了通道寬度和自旋弛豫速度的關係,並探討了自旋弛豫在幾乎不含雜質的情況。除了理論計算之外,Awschalom在二零零六年初也發表了在二維電子氣體通道(2DEG channel)內,自旋弛豫變慢的實驗結果。最後,我們對已完成的研究工作暫下結論,並討論之後可能的探討方向。


This thesis is devoted to studying spin relaxations in two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) confined at the interface of III-V semiconductor heterostructure. We demonstrate how to extend the semiclassical spin operator approach from systems governed by Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction (SOI) to those governed by Dresselhaus SOI. A significant contribution of this thesis is successfully deriving the spin operator for Dresselhaus SOI in semiclassical path integral formalism. This achievement allows all previous results on Rashba SOI to be extended to Dresselhaus SOI. For instance, we introduce a special type of spin-field-effect-transistor which bases on both Rashba SOI and Dresselhaus SOI. Additionally, we find the mechanism why some specific initial spin configurations in 2DEG channels will result in long relaxation times, as proposed by Mal'shukov. In that work they claimed that in diffusive regime, the relaxation rates of certain spin configurations are much slower than general configurations and should be proportional to square of d, where d is the width of the channel. Besides, we may also predict spin relaxations in ballistic regime, which is beyond the regions of Mal'shukov's study. In the end of our simulation, we found a work of Pershin in 2005 discussing long relaxation times in 2DEG channels. Apparently, he also found the same reason of relaxation slowdown as we did. Except for the theoretical work mentioned above, recently Awschalom also obtained the experimental results of slowdown of spin relaxation in 2DEG channels. Finally, a brief summary and an outlook to the future work are given.




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