  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 鐘太郎


本篇論文主要提出基於一個自行設計的無線影像擷取硬體以及影像處理演算方法來監控並且追蹤閉眼時的眼球移動狀態。此系統主要有三部分- 120*160像素的CMOS影像感測鏡頭,2.4~2.524GHz無線傳輸模組,以及在電腦端的發展軟體。首先,CMOS影像感測器會連續地將一幅最新偵測到的影像寫入到一個32KByte的外部記憶體中,在傳送端的MCU將儲存在記憶體中的資料透過無線傳輸模組以1Mbps的速度傳送至接收端。由於影像的取樣能力以及一些協定的因素,整體的傳送速度建議不要低於800Kbps。接收端的MCU會將其由傳送端經過空氣送至無線接收模組的封包以SPI的方式clock out至接收端的外部記憶體中,最後透過RS232把此影像送至電腦端的buffer以供電腦上的軟體存取。 在電腦端所發展的影像處理演算法首先將因為無線傳輸過程中產生的雜訊去除,在此使用了空間域的二維高斯低通濾波器,接著做一些前處理來鎖定我們要定義在影像中的Region of Interest (ROI),從此ROI中抽取一些相關的特徵數值,最後將這些特徵送至Support Vector Machine (SVM)的類神經網路做訓練。我們以所接收到的最新的二十張影像來組成一個AVI File的video,此發展的系統將有能力在每一段時間間隔當中判斷所收到的影片是在動或不動的狀態。最後,使用不同特徵組合訓練的類神經網路之輸出的正確率也在第五章列出來做比較。


In the thesis, a fully automatic computerized system was proposed to monitor and track the close eyeball motion based on the designed image capture module and its peripheral circuits followed by the application of image processing method. The system is composed of three main parts- CMOS image acquisition module, wireless communication module which operates under 2.4~2.524GHz and image processing unit on PC host. The CMOS image sensor with 120*160 pixels square resolution continuously writes an sensed image onto a 32K*8bits SRAM. A MCU in the transmitting end acts as an intermediate between the SRAM and the wireless transmitting module with the data rate up to 1Mbps. Due to the capacity of sampled image and protocol, the baud rate of transmission module is suggested to be higher than 800 kbps. The MCU in the receiving end clocks out the incoming packages from the wireless receiving module and sends these data to the host PC terminal by means of the RS232 channel. Finally, the developed algorithm on PC end is accomplished to judge close eyeball motion. In the PC terminal, the noise reduction method is first applied to an incoming image, the two dimensional Gaussian low pass filter is adopted herein, then, extracting some types of features from the defined Region of Interest (ROI) which is located after some preprocessing procedures. Finally, the optical flux analysis with support vector machine neural network training is performed. The system has the ability to judge whether a captured video is in a moving or in a freezing status within a time interval. A video is composed of twenty frames. The correct rates of the outputs of neural network which was trained by the various combinations of the features are compared as well.


support vector machine nRF2401 eyelash eyebrow


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