  • 學位論文


Techniques of Music Analysis, Recommendation, and Retrieval for Music Services

指導教授 : 陳良弼


隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,大量流通的音樂資料使得與音樂相關的應用紛紛出現,要有效率地提升這些應用的服務品質,必須要依靠音樂分析、音樂推薦與音樂查詢等自動化技術的支援。在本篇論文中,為了實現互動式音樂家教與遠距音樂教學這兩個應用,我們開發了先進的音樂分析、音樂推薦與音樂查詢技術,並且加以整合。 在音樂分析的領域,我們結合了節奏特徵與樂句外形的觀念,利用分群與資料探勘的技術,發展出一個全新的音樂切割方法,以擷取出一個音樂物件的樂句,並進而分析其整體架構;在音樂推薦的範疇,我們完整考慮了音樂物件的所有特性,加上經由分析歷史瀏覽資料所得到的使用者興趣與行為,在進行個人化推薦時,整合音樂物件的內涵與其他使用者的意見,同時提供了三種不同的推薦機制,以滿足使用者不同的需求;最後,在互動式音樂家教與遠距音樂教學兩個應用中,為了進行內涵式音樂比對,我們發展了一個能夠在串流環境中進行多重查詢比對並且具有容錯能力的完整系統,可以在音樂串流中即時搜尋出滿足查詢要求的音樂片段,我們以傳統n-gram技術為藍圖,從相似查詢的計算分享、減少比對的資料量與重複使用計算的結果等方向,發展出兩個主要的機制來節省大量近似比對所帶來的沈重計算,第一個機制採用分群的技術,並使用分群摘要來評估可能的最小誤差,以進行前期的答案片段篩選,第二個機制則是透過最小誤差評估的方式,有效率地整合已收集的答案片段,以獲得最終的答案。 經過一連串的實驗測試,我們已經驗證了上述的三項技術在正確性與效率上,都領先了現存的其他方法,達成了我們所要的目標。


With the growth of Internet, a large amount of music data is available for many music-related applications. It is almost impractical for these applications to satisfy the user requirements manually. To provide efficient services within these applications, the techniques developed for automatic music analysis, recommendation, and retrieval are urgently necessary. In this paper, we consider the applications of interactive music tutorials and distance education at music school. In the two applications, we need to integrate several techniques to achieve the educational purposes. This demand motives us to develop the advanced techniques for the performances of music services. In the area of music analysis, the music structure usually needs to be analyzed manually by experts, which is time-consuming and impractical. Therefore, we propose an approach for automatic music segmentation to extract the phrases and sentences of the musical structure. In addition to the rhythmic features, the melodic shape is first-ever used to improve the effectiveness of the music segmentation. Concerning a large number of music objects available in the databases, the systems that provide the services for users to look for their favorite music objects are urgently needed. One of the most important services for the users to escape from this information-overloading problem is the recommendation service. Due to the complex semantics of the music objects and the difficult derivation of user interests and behaviors, we propose an alternative way of music recommendation, which overcomes the limitations of the previous works. The music objects are first grouped based on the automatically extracted features. Moreover, the user access histories are analyzed to derive the profiles of user interests and behaviors for user grouping. The content-based, collaborative, and statistics-based recommendation methods are proposed based on the favorite degrees of the users to the music groups, and the user groups they belong to. Many interesting applications based on music streams, such as interactive music tutorials, distance music education, and similar theme searching, make the research of content-based retrieval over music streams much important. Therefore, we consider multiple queries with error tolerances over music streams and address the issue of approximate matching in this environment. To satisfy this demand, we propose a novel approach to continuously process multiple queries over the music streams for finding all the music segments that are similar to the queries. Our approach is based on the concept of n-grams and two mechanisms are designed to reduce the heavy computation of approximate matching. One mechanism uses the clustering of query n-grams to prune the query n-grams that are irrelevant to the incoming data n-gram. The other mechanism records the data n-gram that matches a query n-gram as a partial answer and incrementally merges the partial answers of the same query. A series of experiments are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approaches by comparing with other related works.


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