  • 學位論文


Construct Customized Shoe Last by Using 3-D Foot Scanning Data

指導教授 : 王茂駿


本研究目的為蒐集台灣地區1033位18到30歲的男性與752位18到40歲的女性受試者之三維足型資料,進行足型分析,並提出一套足型分類尺碼系統,最後以足型分類尺碼系統中的代表足型為例,建置客製化鞋楦。 首先利用資料挖礦方法找出對於足型具有代表性之足部參數,分別為「足長」、「足寬直線」與「足弓高」,分別屬於長度、寬度與高度三個維度之相關尺寸,可對足型有更好的解釋程度;其次將國人的足型依性別各分成四種代表類型,並給予語意上的描述,男性為「低足弓窄短型」、「高足弓窄短型」、「高足弓寬長型」和「低足弓寬長型」,女性部分則為「高足弓寬長型」、「高足弓平均型」、「低足弓平均型」和「低足弓窄短型」;再者,以這些參數作為足型分類的依據,並結合實務生產情況,選擇適當的尺碼分類原則,建立一套有架構且符合國人的尺碼系統,藉以了解國人的足型差異,後續將本研究之足型資料庫樣本與分類尺碼系統進行疊合,在男女性之涵蓋率分別可達95.93%和92.02%。 在實務方面,提出一套鞋楦寬放與縮放機制,針對足型資料重複驗證,男女性之平均誤差值分別為10.91 mm與10.46 mm,可有效改善過去以等比例縮放所造成的合腳性問題;並利用電腦輔助設計軟體,將縮放機制實際應用於男性代表足型。並以本研究所提出之足型分類尺碼系統中的代表足型為例,實際製作出其客製化鞋楦,期望達到具有快速且高解釋程度之效,以期應用在大量客製化之鞋具製作。


The purpose of this study was to collect the foot dimensions of 1033 Taiwanese males and 752 females aged 18-40 years and to classify three-dimensional foot shapes. Foot type sizing system and a customized shoe last were built based on the results of the foot type classification and some practical considerations. Principle component analysis was applied to obtain the important dimensions, including foot length, foot width and the arch height. The parameters belong to the length, width and height of the foot dimensions for better foot shape explanation. Clustering analysis was performed to identify four foot shapes including : narrow-short with low arch height, narrow-short with high arch height, wide-long with high arch height and wide-long with low arch height for males; wide-long with high arch height, average with high arch height, average with low arch height and narrow-short with low arch height for females. Moreover, we established a category sizing system to differentiate the foot shape of the people by gender. In application, we proposed a shoe last design based on the foot shape of this study. Finally, the customized shoe last design is expected to achieve fast and high degree of mass customization of shoes with production.


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