  • 學位論文


Fabrication of Functionalized Nanoparticles for Biomolecule Detections, Separation and Hybrid Material Syntheses

指導教授 : 林俊成


由於奈米尺度產生的特殊性質,近年來奈米科技已廣泛地應用在各種生活層面,奈米材料經由物理或化學方法進行表面修飾,引入功能性官能基,能夠改變奈米材料表面的性質,提升應用範圍與價值。本論文的研究著重於建構功能化的奈米粒子,應用於偵測、分離生物分子以及複合材料的合成。 凝集素與醣體具有專一性的親和力,因此藉由醣功能化金奈米粒子與凝集素的結合,我們發展三種快速且靈敏的方法偵測凝集素的存在。首先,由於連接醣體與奈米粒子間的連接鏈對於奈米粒子的穩定性有關鍵的影響力,經過詳細的結構比較,我們發現以同時具有親水性(六段乙二醇單元)與親油性(長碳鏈)結構連接鏈(EG6C10)的醣體,並混合30%的基質進行包覆金奈米粒子時,可以得到具有抗蛋白質非專一性吸附與高鹽度環境中穩定懸浮的醣功能化金奈米粒子。根據EG6C10的結構,我們合成七種醣功能化的金奈米粒子並用偵測七種凝集素。經由UV-Vis光譜儀與DLS粒徑儀的量測,可以成功觀察到凝集素與金奈米粒子結合時,產生的吸收峰位移與粒徑的改變。此外,在硼酸位向性固化凝集素抗體晶片上,金奈米粒子與凝集素在抗體上方聚集形成三維的堆疊,經過銀染放大,我們無須任何儀器輔助,可以直接以肉眼觀測凝集素的存在。這三種偵測的實驗結果顯示,偵測極限皆在pM與nM之間,與傳統ELISA的偵測極限相當,使得他們在偵測凝集素上非常具有競爭力。 另一方面,相較於文獻上直接在氧化鋅奈米柱陣列表面還原金屬鹽類得到奈米粒子結合奈米柱的複合材料,金奈米粒子可透過硫辛酸作為分子架橋與氧化鋅奈米柱陣列結合,形成氧化鋅-金複合材料。此方法的優點為操作簡單,可以得到粒徑相當均勻的複合材料外,透過金奈米粒子溶液的濃度可以控制氧化鋅奈米柱陣列表面金的密度,進而詳細的探討金奈米粒子的粒徑與密度對於光催化降解能力的影響。利用螢光染料rhodamine B作為降解的研究標的,實驗結果發現,光催化降解效率原則上隨著金含量增加而增加,在五種粒徑的金奈米粒子中,修飾10 nm金奈米粒子的氧化鋅-金複合材料在UV光照射下,具有最好的光催化降解效率,而相較於氧化鋅奈米柱陣列,催化效率增加8.5倍之多,使得本研究成功得到的氧化鋅-金複合材料,具有發展成為光觸媒產品的潛力。 最後,我們利用醯胺鍵耦合、微波輔助銅催化環化反應、溶膠凝膠反應以及可逆型加成裂解鏈轉移聚合法於磁性奈米粒子表面鍵結硼酸分子,成功合成硼酸功能化奈米粒子。根據紅外光譜量測分析,經由微波輔助銅催化環化反應以及可逆型加成裂解鏈轉移聚合法得到的磁性奈米粒子具有較多硼酸分子的訊號,代表兩者方式的合成效率較佳。目前奈米粒子表面硼酸的定量分析以及上述四種化學方法合成的硼酸功能化奈米粒子,對於樣品中醣蛋白分離純化的效率正在進行評估中。


In recent decades, nanoscience has been involved in a variety of practical applications due to unique properties resulted from nanoscale dimensions. Surface functionalization by chemical and physical modification further improved the performance of nanomaterial and its applications in a diverse area. The works presented in this thesis focuses on fabrications of functionalized nanoparticles for biodetection, bioseparation and hybrid nanomaterial synthesis. Because of the specific affinity between lectin (carbohydrate-binding protein) and saccharides, we developed three fast and sensitive methods for detecting lectins through glyco-gold nanoparticle (AuNPs) mediated agglutination. On account of the structure, saccharide density and the length of linker between the binding ligand (saccharide) and nanoparticle can affect the stability of AuNPs in buffered saline and modulate the overall binding affinity toward lectins, a detailed study has been conducted for synthesis of stable AuNPs. We discovered that AuNPs covered by 70% of saccharide with linker constructed from six ethylene glycol unit and a ten saturated carbon length (EG6C10) gave the best stability under high salt conditions (600 mM NaCl). Based on the EG6C10 structure, 7 different AuNPs functionalized by mono-, di- and trisaccharide were synthesized and used to form aggregation in the solutions with target lectins. UV-Vis and dynamic light scattering measurements were utilized as readout of the shifts of absorption and the changes of the mean hydrodynamic diameter (DH), respectively, to monitor the extent of AuNPs aggregation. Furthermore, lectin-glyconanoparticle complex captured by a uniformly oriented antibody via boronate formation on microarray chip followed by silver stain permits the detection of the presence of target protein by naked eye. In these strategies, a detection sensitivity within the pico- to nanomolar range (pM - nM) is readily achieved, which are comparable with ELISA-based assays, and therefore, make them as attractive approaches for lectin-sensing applications. In addition, these strategies are rapid, and could be easily implemented and extended to a variety of other carbohydrate-binding proteins. On the other hand, AuNPs was functionalized by a molecular linker - thioctic acid (TA) and assembled uniformly on the surface of single-crystal ZnO nanorod arrays (ZNA) instead of the procedure to reduce metal salt precursor, which gave poor control of size and shape. The size and loading of AuNPs on ZNA can be easily controlled synchronously in large scale by this synthetic methodology, which are key factors for improving the photocatalytic activities. In the photodegradation study of decomposing rhodamine B dye (RhB), which serves as an example of pollutant in water, 10 nm AuNPs decorated ZNA exhibits the highest photoreaction rate (8.5-fold enhancement compared to bare ZNA) under UV irradiation among 5 different size of AuNPs. Also, the degradation efficiency was found to be proportional to the loading amount of the AuNPs on the ZNA. The high photodegradation rate demonstrated in this study indicated that the ZNA-AuNPs heterostructures are promising candidates for the next-generation photocatalysts. At last, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) functionalized by boronic acid (BA@MNPs) through amide bond formation, microwave-assisted CuAAC reaction, sol-gel process, and RAFT polymerization were synthesized successfully. Based on the FTIR semi-quantitative analysis, BA@MNPs synthesized from CuAAC and RAFT polymerization approaches have shown stronger signal of BA molecule, indicating the better efficiency of immobilization on nanoparticle surface. Quantitative analysis of BA molecule on the MNPs surface and evaluation of BA@MNPs as extracting agent to capture and enrich glycoproteins are being progress.


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