  • 學位論文


Analyzing The Service Innovation Processes and Outcomes of BigHillNorthMoon Based on The Actor Network Theory

指導教授 : 林福仁


近年來,服務創新已成為產業結構轉變的重要驅動力,同時也是產業轉型的關鍵議題。服務創新是企業組織因應客戶不同的多元產品與服務需求,進而提升企業的附加價值的作為。另外,在地旅遊體驗是最近台灣新興的農村創新服務,結合在地資源、農村特色、顧客實際參與等三要素為傳統農村文化帶來發展的新契機。然而將服務創新與設計導入台灣在地社區、傳統農村的研究卻寥寥可數,故本研究以新竹縣橫山鄉的服務創新平台「大山北月」作為研究對象,分析其過去一年舉辦相關服務創新活動之歷程與結果。 大山北月,原為日據時代的豐鄉國小舊址,如今是新形態的文化創意園區,也是兩位年輕人創業圓夢的基地,根基於社團法人台灣服務科學學會的「大山背博物館」計畫過去在新竹的服務創新專案推動的在地連結與價值共創經驗,持續促進新竹台三線的社會創新、農業永續、場館活化、資源整合及發展客家文化生活圈等使命,期許自己成為「新竹台三線的策展人」。 本研究以服務系統作為主要的研究觀點,並以行動者網絡理論作為分析架構,嘗試解構大山北月五項代表性的服務創新活動:換想大山背Remodel工作坊 、大山慢食、在地小旅行、草地婚禮、十分桔利禮盒,研究不同行動者互相連結、協商合作、產生不同價值的過程。研究結果發現,服務創新活動的成功與否與各利害關係人的連結深度和共創價值的程度密切相關,從實務操作上驗證服務科學「資源整合,價值提升」的核心理念。 本研究在實務上可提供相關產業進行服務設計與執行的參考;學術上補強運用服務設計發展出服務創新的營運模式。透過大山北月的個案,探討如何在有效能的治理機制下發揮營運執行力,創造服務創新的價值,成為永續發展的動能。


In recent years, service innovation has become an important driving force for industries’ structural changes, and business transformation. Service innovation is an action that organizations respond to customer demands by value-added products and services. In addition, rural tourism is a new rural service innovation in Taiwan these years. It combines three elements of local recourses; rural culture and customer participation to create developing opportunities for traditional rural regions. However, very few researches have been conducted on applying service design and innovation methods to Taiwan local communities and rural villages. So this study conducts a case study of a service innovation platform named "BigHillNorthMoon" located in Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County as the research target. We analyzed the service innovation activities held over the past years. BigHillNorthMoon, originally was an elementary school campus since 1923. It was closed in 1983 due to the significant decrease of student population when Taiwan moved to industrial economy. After remodeled in 2006, now is a new form of cultural and creative park, where two young entrepreneurs realized their dreams. They keep working on social innovation, sustainable agriculture, venue activation, resources integration and development of Hakka culture living area by continuing the initial efforts of Service Science Society of Taiwan. They expect themselves as “the curator of Hsinchu Tai3route”. This study, using service system as main research point of view, and the Actor Network Theory as the analytical framework, describes five representative service innovation activities held in BigHillNorthMoon. They are Remodel Workshop, Mountain Cuisine, Local Journey, Grassland Wedding and Oranges Basket. In these cases, we analyzed the structures and processes different actors connected with each other to achieve corresponding objectives. We identify that successful service innovation activities closely relate to the links between stakeholders. These practical evidences support the key principles of service science; that is, resource integration and value co-creation, The research results not only provide support to similar entrepreneurs to innovate services, but also reinforce the applications of service design and innovation methods to co-create value for stakeholders. Through BigHillNorthMoon cases, moreover, we learn how to create effective governance mechanisms that cooperate stakeholders and create value of service innovation.


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