  • 學位論文


The Study of Recycled Coarse Aggregates Applicable to the Construction Engineering

指導教授 : 何德仁


近年來政府積極推動「永續發展」及「綠建築政策」,其中廢棄物減量指標為重要之課題。1998年廢棄物總量為5,739萬公噸,其中事業廢棄物2,839萬公噸,佔總量49.47%、營建廢棄物2,000萬公噸,佔總量34.9%、剩餘為一般廢棄物900萬公噸,約佔總量15.63%〈行政院主計處,1999〉。如再加上921地震後,營建廢棄物量更是龐大。但目前國內對於營建廢棄物的處理方式,多半是採取填海造路及回填造地等方式處理。因此;若能推展營建廢棄物妥善再生利用,必能降低廢棄物產量所帶來環境的衝擊,並對國家永續發展及綠建築政策上有卓越貢獻。 目前國內營建構造物大多數是採用鋼筋混凝土或鋼骨混凝土構造,在建構過程中,所使用混凝土之砂石數量龐大。而台灣地區砂石供應多半仰賴河川砂石開採,但開採產量遠低於市場需求量,再加上長期開發,已經造成河川砂石逐漸枯竭、地形地貌和自然環境的改變,為了避免河川超採砂石危及公共安全及平衡市場砂石供需用量和永續發展、水土資源保育等。政府乃於民國86年開放進口砂石,並且逐年增加砂石進口量,但這並無法完全解決國內砂石供需用量和永續發展、水土資源保育之議題。 由於營建廢棄物處理方式,目前多半是採取填海造路及回填造地等。其中原因主要乃在其對所製成之混凝土強度沒有把握。本文取用再生粗骨材,並分成三種最大粒徑,四種坍度及七組水灰比。從配合比設計開始、試拌、測坍度、製作試體、養護到抗壓強度試驗。其中並測再生粗骨材及所製作混凝土(再生粗骨材+天然砂)之PH值。由試驗資料統計分析得知,用再生粗骨材所製作混凝土(再生粗骨材+天然砂),其抗壓強度皆能符合營建工程之要求,而與一般混凝土強度比較約為其88%,另外並推導水灰比與28天強度關係及7天與28天的強度關係。


Recently our government is very energetic to push about the green building and to develop eternally. To reduce garbage of our building and civil engineering is the most important subject. In 1998 the garbage is about 5739 tons. The garbage of enterprise is about 2839 tons about 49.47 percent of the garbage in 1998. The garbage of construction and civil engineering is about 2000 tons about 34.9 percent of the total garbage in our country. The general garbage is about 900 tons about 15.63 percent of the total garbage in our country. (The data were published from our government.) After the earthquake of the well-known name 921, the garbage of construction and civil engineering would increase greatly and quickly. The most garbage of the construction and civil engineering would be use to fill up the low-lying land or the coastal line. For the reason the most important subject of our country is to reduce the garbage of construction and civil engineering and to use the recycled coarse aggregates in construction engineering. In our country the most use in construction engineering are the reinforced concrete and steel reinforced concrete. But the freestone in our river-bed would be dried up quickly. From 1997 our governments begin to liberalize the entrance of freestone. But it is very difficult to hold the balance of the natural resource. To avoid the destruction of our natural environment we would take study of recycled aggregates and garbage from construction engineering. The greatest purpose is to take use the garbage material in our construction or building. The recycled aggregates and garbage would be used to fill up the low-lying land or the coastal line. So the research of this thesis is to take 7 groups of water-cement ratio and 4 groups of slumps in batch. From the designed recipe, slump test, mixed test, take groups of concrete samples, curing, and compressive strength tests. To understand the statistics data from the experiments we will take PH tests and compressive strength from our concrete samples. The test data demonstrate that the compressive strength of recycled aggregates would be about 88 percent of the strength from general aggregates concrete in the same water-cement ratio. Besides we calculate the relationships from the water-cement ratio and compressive strength of 7days or compressive strength of 28 days.


1983 《工程材料試驗》,眾甫國際股份有限公司。
1997 《SPSS For Windows 統計分析上、下冊》,松岡圖書公司。


