  • 學位論文

臺灣地區兒童美語補習教育市場經營競爭策略形成 之研究-以G教育集團為例

A Study of the Formation of the Competitive Strategy for the Operation of Children's English Tutorial School in Taiwan - with G Group as an Example

指導教授 : 林志鴻


為順應國際化潮流,迎接國際化、數位化與資訊化之新世紀,美語已經成為國際間通用的語言,學習美語的重要性也日益增加,美語的學習與使用,將是一種全球化的發展趨勢,然而在這種環境之下,迫使許多家長紛紛將孩童送進美語補習班學習美語,進而掀起了一陣美語學習的熱潮,家長期望自幼即能奠定良好的美語基礎,有鑑於此,兒童美語補教市場蓬勃發展,在此競爭日趨激烈的補教服務市場中,常常會有新的競爭者出現,補習班業者為了永續經營,同時為了要戰勝同業,並在眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出,所以本研究藉由個案研究分析,探討台灣兒童美語補教業者,如何訂出一套適切的經營競爭策略,才能掌握成功的契機。 本研究以台灣地區兒童美語補教業者-G教育集團為案例,探討在目前兒童美語補習教育高度競爭的情況下,依個案公司的內部條件、產業競爭優勢及外在環境變化,將對其形成的機會與威脅,以發掘其既有的優勢並調整其具有的弱勢,進而有效達成其企業使命。本研究採用描述性的個案研究方法,透過國內外相關文獻探討、資料的蒐集、個案訪談,建立模型基本架構,經由本研究深入探討,歸納出策略形成之關鍵要素,據以發展個案公司的經營策略,歸納結論如下:個案公司內部環境面之關鍵性要素為「穩定發展連鎖加盟」,產業環境面之關鍵性要素為「創新產品」,總體環境面之關鍵性要素為「全球網路服務」。總結前述環境面三大關鍵性要素,個案公司競爭策略形成之最關鍵要素為「擴大市場佔有率」,本研究冀藉由競爭策略形成各要素間之相互關聯性,以做為企業制定競爭策略之參考。


In order to catch up with the global trends and welcome the process of internationalization and the new digital and information era, English has long been regarded as an international language; hence, the importance of learning is elevating. As learning and using English is a global trend, it presses many parents to send their children to English tutorial schools, bringing an upsurge to learning English. Meanwhile, most parents expect their children to lay down solid foundations in English when they are small. Likewise, the market of children’s English tutorial schools is booming, in which fierce competition happens from time to time. In order to maintain sustainable management, beat their colleagues, and excel in the market among competitors, it is essential to custom-make an appropriate management strategy to grasp the chance to win. Likewise, this thesis attempts to search for a winning management strategy for the management of children’s English tutorial school. This thesis regards G educational group, a children’s English tutorial business as an example to examine the internal conditions, competitive advantages, and the changes of the external environment of the company of this case in highly competitive situations in order to find its competitive advantages and adjust its weaknesses to accomplish its enterprise mission. This thesis employs descriptive case studies as the research method. By reviewing related literature in Taiwan and abroad and collecting relevant information, the researcher will build up the model and basic framework. With the profound study of this project, key factors will be deduced for the reference of the development of the operation strategy for the company of this case, which is summarized as follows: The essential factor for the perspective of the internal environment for the company of this case is “diversified management.” The essential factor for the perspective of the business environment is the “R&D of innovative products.” The key factor of the internal environment of the case company is to “stabilize the development of chain alliance.” Concerning the key factors for business environment, it is "product innovation.” Meanwhile, the key factor for overall environment is "world wide web service.” Summarizing these three key factors, concerning the most essential factor for the case company is the “expansion of market share.” This thesis expects to find out the interrelations between the factors of the formation of competition strategies for the reference of the enterprises in making their competitive strategies.




