  • 學位論文


“Chuangtze Ne—Chi”—Manifestation of the embodied Tao

指導教授 : 曾昭旭


莊子為中國先秦時代重要思想家。其與老子皆為最具代表性之道家思想家。雖其思想主要是承老子而來,但也開展出相異於老子之義理思想。相較於老子思想,莊子思想更以人為重。而在中國主要的義理思想中,儒、道皆是以人為義理思想之重心,故以此角度觀之,莊子思想可說是最能展現道家思想特質。亦可說,莊子是道家思想之集大成者。而在研究主題上,本文是以義理思想為研究重心,而文獻考據、版本、作者等議題則非本文主要探討對象,故僅略述之而不深究。 現今所存的《莊子》有三十三篇,且分成內、外、雜三篇。而內、外、雜三篇的是否皆為莊子所作現今仍無定論。然就大部分學者之共識而言,《莊子》內七篇當為莊子作品。故本文在文獻上,以《莊子》內七篇為主要探究對象,外、雜篇則僅為參考。在注本上,則以郭象所注《莊子》為主要原文文獻。 研究文獻範圍確定後,在研究角度上,本文以人所體現之道為主要探究議題。同上所述,莊子思想是以人為重心。故其思想雖上承老子,但在論述上卻是以人為重心,所以人所體現之道可說是莊子思想之重心所在。故本文即以人所體現之道為主要探究議題。在論述進程上,本文則先對莊子內篇逐步解讀,後再對《莊子》內七篇義理思想作一總體之論,並以此為本文重心。


莊子 《莊子內篇》 莊子義理 真人


Chuangtze is the important philosopher in pre-Qin time.He and Laotze to most have Taoism of thinker the representative. Although his philosophy is mainly comes by the Laotze, but also develops is different with Laotze's philosophy. His philosophy and Laotze's philosophy compares, Chuangtze's philosophy take the person as a key point. In Chinese main philosophy school, Confucian, Taoism, their philosophies take the person as a point, therefore treating this angle, may saying that the Chuangtze philosophy is most can unfold the Taoism philosophy special characteristic. May also saying, Chuangtze is the Taoism philosophy epitomizes. In research subject, this thesis is take the philosophy as the research point, and literature textual criticism, edition, author are not this thesis main discussion objects, therefore makes the narration broadbrush only, but no deep research. The present “Chuangtze” has 33 chapters,and it divides into “Ne—Chi”,”Wy”,”Sar”. Whether “Ne—Chi”,”Wy”,”Sar”author all was Chuangtze still didn't knew now. In majority of scholar's mutual recognition, “Chuangtze Ne—Chi” should be Chuangtze's book. And this thesis to original text choice in “Ne—Chi” that is thesis main object of study, Wy”,”Sar” is only the reference. And this thesis to annotation choice in Guo Xiang 's annotation that is this thesis main literature. After the research literature scope is determined, in research viewpoint angle, thesis article take person being comprehension Tao as main research subject. With dissert in the preamble, Chuangtze's philosophy take the person as a key point. Although therefore his thought follow Laotze, but in the elaboration is actually by the person as the point, therefore the person being comprehension Tao to be possible saying that was in the Chuangtze philosophy the point. Therefore this thesis manifests the person being comprehension Tao as the main research subject. In discourse order, this thesis first gradually explains to “Chuangtze Ne—Chi”, next makes an overall elaboration to “Chuangtze Ne—Chi” philosophy, and take this as this thesis point of discourse.


徐復觀,《中國人性論史 先秦篇》(臺灣:商務印書館,2003年10月初版13刷)
