  • 學位論文


Lisbon Strategy: The Study of Innovation and the eLearning Policy of European Union

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


隨著資訊與通訊科技的快速發展,今日的世界已經邁入了資訊社會與知識經濟社會。為了因應衝擊,歐盟2000年舉行了里斯本高峰會,訂定了在十年內成為世界上最具競爭力且最具動能的知識經濟體,並強調教育與訓練體制的創新是迎接挑戰的優先領域,而歐盟數位化學習政策也在里斯本策略的目標下陸續推動。 本論文以政策分析法作為研究方法,共分為六章。第一章為緒論;第二章為歐盟里斯本策略與數位化學習相關概念釐清,介紹資訊社會與知識經濟社會的相關概念;第三章為歐盟里斯本策略與數位化學習政策的優先性,探討歐盟里斯本策略的發展與里斯本策略下創新的歐盟數位化學習政策的形成;第四章為歐盟數位化學習相關政策,包括了蘇格拉底計畫、達文西計畫、數位歐洲系列計畫以及數位化學習系列計畫等等;第五章為歐盟數位化學習政策的實施與評估;第六章為結論,總結本論文研究結果並展望未來終身數位化學習的遠景。 歸納本研究結果,歐盟數位化學習政策礙於經費有限與教育政策的權限等障礙,成效有限,但是其對於歐盟數位化學習發展的貢獻仍然值得給予肯定。歐盟數位化學習計畫在2007年整合進入終身學習計劃之中後,更將擴大面向,促進各個教育與訓練領域學習的品質,進入終身數位化學習的時代。


Because of the rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT), our daily life has a close connection with Information Society and Knowledge-based Economy. In order to confront the impacts caused by Information Society and Knowledge-based economy, EU held the meeting of the European Council in Lisbon in 2000. According to the council conclusion, EU has to become the most competitive and dynamic economy in the world in 10 years and emphasizes education and the innovation of training systems as the priority areas. Within it, the eLearning policy of European Union is also one of the most important actions of EU according to the general objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. The methodology of the thesis is policy analysis, and there are six chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction. Chapter 2 contains relative concepts of the Lisbon Strategy of EU and eLearning, which are the fundamental concepts of information society and knowledge-based Economy. Chapter 3 recites the priority areas of the Lisbon Strategy of EU and eLearning, discussing the development of the Lisbon Strategy of EU and the innovation of eLearning policy. Chapter 4 explores relative policies and programmes of the eLearning of EU, including SOCRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI, eEurope and eLearning programmes, etc. Chapter 5 assesses the eLearning policy of EU. Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this thesis, which sums up the findings of this thesis and gives some point of views for future development. In the findings of this thesis, despite the obstacles like the limited fund and the principle of the education policy, the contributions of the eLearning of EU are still convincing. Furthermore, eLearning programme of EU was integrated into Lifelong Learning programme of EU in 2007. This made the whole programme more powerful to promote the quality of learning in both education and training, and made Europe “a society of lifelong eLearning”.


卓忠宏,<從歐盟「政府間會議」論歐洲憲法條約及其爭議>,《政治大學國際關係學報》,No. 20, 民國94年7月,第57至92頁。
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, E-learning in the Tertiary Education: Where Do We Stand?. Paris: OECD, 2005.
Rosenberg, Marc. E-Learning: Strategies for delivering knowledge in the digital age. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.


