  • 學位論文


A Study of General Education in the EU Member Staes - Finland as A Study Case

指導教授 : 鄒忠科


論文提要內容: 近年來,芬蘭普通教育頻頻受到各國教育專家學者的關注,探討芬蘭教育的動機來自於國際教育評比上的優異表現, OECD針對其會員國及主要國家十五歲青少年在學校習得參與社會的技能及知識水準做一評量,即PISA,測驗內容包括「閱讀」、「自然科學」、「數學」及「問題解決」四大部份,芬蘭學生在各類評比中名列前茅,整體表現為參與PISA國家中的第一名。 由於教育的成功,人民素質的提升,讓芬蘭在其它方面的表現也非常優異,例如二○○二年及二○○五年的國際環境永續指標評比為世界第一,水質全世界第一,連續四年被WEF評為人口兩千萬人以下國家競爭力全球第一,政治透明度也是全世界第一。知識在芬蘭經驗中扮演重要的角色。「知識經濟」社會,各國理解知識對於促進國家發展的重要性超越了傳統的生產要素,知識逐漸成為經濟成長和品質提高的主要動力,培養訓練擁有專業知識的人員成為重要課題,而教育是有效的唯一途徑。具有完善良好的教育,知識的生產、累積、獲取、應用及創新的能力自然優越,國家競爭力進而提升。 本論文之研究途徑採「後現代主義」,後現代主義反對理性主義的教育目的;反對學科中心傾向,主張建立師生平等的對話關係,鼓吹多元,強調現今先進社會有著不同指導原則與信念的並存。透過芬蘭經驗的介紹,了解芬蘭在普通教育改革過程中,後現代主義所扮演的關鍵角色,並評估芬蘭普通教育成效,世界各國都著重教育改革發展,為何芬蘭能以黑馬之姿脫穎而出,不僅在教育評比得到相關國際組織肯定,亦擁有全世界最好的學生,行政效率最高的學校。


Abstract: General education in Finland has been spotlighted and educational experts have adverted to it all over the world. It is because Finland has fared well in international comparisons in education, such as the OECD PISA programme, which assesses learning outcomes among 15-year-old students in mathematics, science, reading literacy and problem-solving. Finnish students figured at the top all the lists in key subjects, and differences between students, schools and regional were comparatively very small. Due to the extraordinary success in education and the direct improvement to domestic labour-force quality, Finland performs well in other international comparisons. For example, EPI (Environmental Performance Index) launched by Yale University, the Global Competitiveness Report 2008 launched by the World Economic Forum, the Global Corruption Report 07-08 launched by the Transparency International and so on. These lead to the fact that the term “knowledge” plays an active and important role in Finland nowadays. Every country leader comes to realize the significance of knowledge, and to increase investment in R & D and incubate citizens with academic knowledge is to become the most immediate way to build up a knowledge-based economy and information society. Therefore, the competitiveness of the country strengthens. With the truth of Finland a valuable study case, the thesis tries to evaluate the outcomes of general education in Finland and figures out what policies it adopts makes Finland one of the few countries that not only well have fared in international comparisons, but also the achiever in the competition of educational reform since seventies.


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