  • 學位論文


A Study on the Reform of the Market Economy and Globalization on Russian Higher Education

指導教授 : 馬良文


20世紀以來,由於全球人口激增導致高等教育由精英型邁向普及型教育,以及全球化的影響,世界先進國家的高等教育興起了市場化與國際化的改革浪潮。經濟因素是各國推動教育改革最直接也是最主要的原因,市場機制為各項改革措施的基本取向,這種改革趨勢儼然已經蔓延了全球。 自從蘇聯解體之後,俄國作為其主要繼承國,推行了以全面私有化為基礎之政治與經濟體制的轉型,其對於高等教育改革也產生了深刻的影響。隨著全球高等教育市場化與國際化的潮流,在俄國的高等教育領域也出現了同樣現象。為了增強在國際的競爭力,以及能與世界高等教育接軌,俄國政府在國內進行了一系列高等教育市場化改革措施,對外方面最受矚目的就是加入波隆納進程。 本研究一共分為六章: 第一章為緒論,其中表明本研究之動機目的、研究途徑方法、研究範圍限制、名詞解釋與文獻探討等; 第二章為高等教育市場化之理論基礎,其中闡述有關高等教育市場化的相關理論要點; 第三章為俄國高等教育市場化之社會背景與相關法律,其中對於俄國高等教育市場化的社會政治經濟背景作一簡單描述,並且國家制定有關高等教育市場化的法律內容也一併詳述; 第四章為俄國高等教育市場化之改革措施,其中描述了辦學體制、財政體制、教學體制與就業體制之市場化改革內容要點; 第五章為俄國高等教育國際化之改革,其中涉及了波隆納進程發展與俄國高等教育國際化之改革措施,另外也有提及外國留學生的問題; 第六章為結論與研究建議,作為本研究之綜合結論與後續研究建議。


俄國 高等教育 市場化 國際化


Since the 1980s under the influence of rapid economic growth and globalization the elite type higher education became an important addition to the standard higher education. Most educational reforms were closely related to this tendency. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has undertaken sweeping political and economic reforms based on the principles of market economy. These changes exerted profound influence on the educational system as well. Facing the necessity to keep pace with the educational reforms in the developed countries the Russian government carried out a series of reforms that strengthened the market factor in the higher education and Russia’s international cooperation in this field. One of the most important landmarks on this way was joining the Bologna Declaration in 2003. This thesis contains the study and the assessment of the abovementioned changes in Russia’s higher education. It consists of six chapters: The first chapter is an introductory survey. The second chapter deals with the basic theories of the market factor in the contemporary higher education. The third chapter discusses the social implications of Russia's recent political and economic development and the significance of laws relating to the market's factor in the higher education. The fourth chapter contains the detailed analysis of reforms aimed at strengthening the market factor in the higher education. The fifth chapter deals with the trends towards the globalization of the higher education in Russia including Bologna process. The issue of attracting foreign students to Russian universities and related statistics are analyzed and assessed. The last chapter contains the conclusion and suggestions for further research.


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