  • 學位論文


The Climate Protection Policy of the Merkel Government 2005-2009

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


配合京都議定書中京都機制的發展運作,德國分別以國家和歐盟會員國身分,參與跨國性氣候治理的多邊協商。觀察梅克爾對氣候保護行動所採取的策略,除以各項減緩措施和適應措施作為因應氣候變遷的衝擊外,更以再生能源的發展,作為減緩能源污染與鞏固能源安全的目的。 有關現行氣候保護行動的實施,梅克爾政府一方面受國內在野黨的監督、金融海嘯的衝擊與現實成本效益的考量,欲如何充分履行國際協定的承諾,考驗著梅克爾政府對抗氣候變遷的決心。隨著歐盟的氣候建制逐漸發展完善,對會員國控制溫室氣體排放的標準更加嚴厲。德國在被分配更少排放許額的情況下,如何更有效地要求國內業者控制溫室氣體排放,成為梅克爾政府當前所面臨的挑戰。梅克爾認為,氣候保護政策的制定,應以市場基礎作為導向。在替代能源尚未發展成為普遍性的能源項目以前,各項控制污染的清潔能源技術應由跨國性產官學界共同合作研發。並且借重歐盟區域治理的框架和京都機制,與其他國家在氣候議題中取得合作的機會。 伴隨著第一階段京都減排期程即將到期,同時在2009年底哥本哈根會議中對後議定書的內容必須達成決議。面對溫室氣體減排的檢討與反省,德國與歐盟重新評估對第三世界國家的援助標準,並且對美國展開呼籲,目的是再次強調全球環境責任的公平性。面對德國與歐盟本身對氣候議題的未來展望,根據後議定書的內容,則將重心致力於環境、能源與經濟永續發展的目標以及成本效益。 本文除緒論與結論外,共計三章,十三節。第二章主要以經濟全球化作為背景論述德國對抗氣候變遷的緣由。第三章則探討德國政黨對氣候保護的反應與實踐;包含梅克爾政府的國家與國際氣候保護行動,及在野黨綠黨對此議題的政治立場與監督成果。此外,伴隨歐盟區域氣候政策的發展項目,檢視德國參與多邊協商的表現。最後,根據現行政策與措施評估梅克爾對氣候保護的貢獻;同時,有關後議定書對未來氣候政策的展望,將於結論中發表作者個人意見。


According to the Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol, Germany has been actively taking part in the multilateral negotiations about climate governance. In order to remedy the harmful effects of climate change and assure the supply of sustainable energy, the Merkel Government pays even more attention on the development of renewable energy, in addition to the mitigation policy and adaptation measures. However, increasing industrial pollution in the third worlds, the impacts of the global economic crisis, and considerations of cost efficiency are considered the most severe challenges for the Merkel Government to achieve its goal of climate protection. Particularly how to meet its political commitment to reduce more greenhouse gases in the future became one of the main issues between Germany and the EU after the European Commission decided to decrease its emission allowance in the second trading period. In order to meet its Kyoto target in 2012 and support industrialized and developing countries to foster and facilitate development of renewable energy technology and resources, the Merkel Government declared once again the importance of climate protection in Copenhagen conference 2009 and emphasized that establishing effective regulatory frameworks is necessary. Germany further expected that the U.S. and China should take responsibility on the climate issue, and reconsidered with the other EU members the financial fund for developing countries.


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