  • 學位論文


The Research of the Relationships between Design of E-Learning Material and Flow Experience

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


近年來國內外大力推動數位學習,並努力積極推動與制定數位學習教材評鑑規範與標準,這些規範與標準除了提供給設計教材發展者參考之外,也確保數位學習的品質,本研究以教育部「大專院校通識課程」數位學習教材,結合正向心理學中的心流理論,嘗試分析探討進行網路數位學習時學習者的心流經驗狀態為何,並進一步分析進行數位學習時「數位教材設計」對「心流經驗」八大特質狀態包含「清楚的回饋」、「清楚的目標」、「掌控得宜」、「行動與意識合一」、「全神貫注」、「自我意識消失」、「時間感扭曲」與「內在酬賞」的影響。希望能提供教材設計發展者與教學者對於數位學習教材設計的參考與方向。 本研究採用問卷調查法主為與質化訪談為輔。研究對象為北部某私立大學的大學生,共141人。以教育部「大專院校通識課程」為研究平台,從中挑選三門數位課程進行施測,每次數位學習課程時間約30分鐘,並沿用學者的「心流經歷量表」與「心流經驗感覺量表」與自編的「數位教材評鑑量表」進行資料蒐集,所得資料予以迴歸統計並進行分析討論。 本研究結果發現進行數位學習時學習者內心皆有呈現分布在心流(38%)、無聊(12%)、焦慮(8%)與冷漠(15%)四種狀態。並經相關分析結果發現心流經驗八大特質中的「清楚的回饋」、「清楚的目標」、「行為與認知合一」、「全神貫注」、「掌控得宜」與「內在酬賞」都與數位學習教材設計有顯著的正相關。而迴歸分析結果發現「教學策略」分別與「行為與認知和一」、「時間感扭曲」有顯著影響;「訊息與介面設計」則與「內在酬賞」有顯著影響。


In recent years great efforts to promote digital learning at home and abroad, and to actively promote the digital e-learning materials with the formulation of evaluation norms and standards, In addition to these norms and standards developed by reference to the design materials, but also to ensure the quality of digital learning, In this study, the Ministry of Education, "General course platform colleges" digital learning materials, combined with positive psychology in the flow theory, try to analyze the website of the learner's e-learning on the flow experience state, Further analysis the effect of design of e-learning material on flow experience state. eight characteristics of the state includes" unambiguous feedback "," clear goals ", " concentration on task, "" control ", "control "," action-awareness merging, "" loss of self-conscious, "" altered sense of time "and" auto telic experience "effect. Hope to provide developers of teaching materials and teaching-learning materials are designed for reference and direction. In this study, the main questionnaire survey, supplemented with the qualitative interviews. The subjects were students from a private university in northern. Ministry of Education, "General course platform “as a research platform. Choose from three, e-learning courses, each about 30 minutes. And follow the scholars of the "Flow experience scale "and "Flow experience feeling scale ",and "Digital materials evaluation scale" to collect data. The data statistics and analysis to be discussed. This study found that for the learner-learning was distribution “on flow”, “boredom”, “anxiety” and “apathy” four states. And by correlation analysis showed that the eight characteristics of flow experience in the " unambiguous feedback "," clear goals ", " concentration on task "," control ", " action-awareness merging, "" auto telic experience "are and digital Design of learning materials have a significant positive correlation. Regression analysis found that "teaching strategies" and were " action-awareness merging, "and " altered sense of time "has significant impact. " interface design" is the " auto telic experience " have significant impact.


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